Married At First Sight #2: The Worst Mismatch In History

It’s time for two more weddings, but STOP. This is already ridiculous. Because Sean and Jo are the least compatible people to ever appear on this show. Either the experts pick the names out of a hat, or they’re straight-up trolling them. Plus, a bride arrives first to a wedding (gasp), and a producer definitely gives a groom the wrong sized pants on purpose.

Show Notes

Your hosts are THE TWINS, Clare and Jessie Stephens.

Read the written recaps over at They’re worth it. We promise.

Ask The Twins a question, they beg of you. Or just tell them how you feel about the show. 02 8999 9386.

This show was produced by Luca Lavigne for the Mamamia Podcast Network.

Top Comments

lisa 6 years ago

I don't watch much television and this show confirmed why! add fuel to the disgust already felt for reality television, the match up between Sean and Jo in MAFS is no doubt built solely on ratings that are based upon shock value. This is no different to the methods exercised by radio shock jocks, except that this is supported by academics, who shame you, should no darn better. You are disgrace to your professions!

Jen 6 years ago

I think it will be another season of epic marriage fails....not sure the experts are really considering the error in matching someone loud with an introvert..."opposities attract" is a very old school myth and not ideal for longevity!


The experts arent there to find the best matches,that would make for boring TV not that it matters its about as real as the WWE