
Um, can you help us understand this commercial called 'Manly Mistake'?

It’s no secret that advertisers often struggle with the ‘woman problem’. Or, more accurately, the ‘women’s problems problem’. You know – ladies be weird cos they bleed and stuff. Periods. Vaginas. Confusion. Etc.

We know this. So it really should be no surprise when another weird ad about ‘feminine products‘ ends up on TV.

But this one is just… We don’t get it.

It’s called ‘Manly Mistake’. Have a look:

Please discuss.

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Top Comments

Helen 10 years ago

Funny ad. But so sick of being told by advertisers and product creators that I need special soap because I'm a woman. How ridiculous. I thought the 50s were 60 years ago - can we all grow get over it now?

Guest 10 years ago

I loved it. I bought some fem wash for certain times as regular soap a big no no as it dries you out and makes you itch and removes your own protection but at certain times I wanted more than water. As I rarely needed it I left it by the sink when I ran out of hand soap and the man I was dating used it and reacted weirdly. Told him to grow up but the ad made perfect sence to me.