
Open post of the week. What's going on?





It’s Wednesday People!

Midway through the working week and I for one have my eye on the prize – Friday. In particular, that cool beverage I will be cracking open around 5pm.

Of course on Wednesdays at Mamamia, we hold our weekly Open Post. It’s a chance for those of us on the editorial team to take a break and hand the reins over to you.

Instead of us picking the topic, you can chat about whatever you want; tell us what’s happening in your world.

Here’s what’s been happening in mine:

I’ve been officially the Parenting Editor here exactly one week. In that time I’ve lost my 6 year old in a giant maze, locked us all out of the house and managed to burn a take away dinner of chicken nuggets. So clearly, they’ve taken on the right person to give you parenting advice.

But in all seriousness, I’ve just had one of those weeks. You know the ones? One that no matter WHAT I do, I just cannot win. You can feel it in your gut from the minute you wake up. There is just something a little, off… It feels, that despite your best efforts, the world is conspiring against you. Maybe the cat vomits on the carpet “just” as you are walking out the door to that all important, make-or-break meeting. Or perhaps you get a phone call from the school Principal regarding an incident that involves glue, glitter your son and a classmate that will require further “written correspondence”.

Or it could be that your bank calls to tell you that someone is buying iThings in an iStore on your credit card in an country that you are currently not visiting. It’s a culmination of things. Nothing dire, just stuff that when grouped together makes you feel like you want to flee the situation and rock in a corner until it all rights itself.

On top of this I realised I am officially OLD. I went to a concert in the city to see a band that I once endured blistering heat and a 35 minute toilet line up to see. On Friday night however, I soon realised, I was no longer that girl at the festival. I was simply just…bored. After 25 minutes, all I wanted to do was go home and get under my doona and read my book. When did this happen to me?

I lament on all of this but it doesn’t take much time to realise that I’m sweating the small stuff. One glance at the TV screen right now and I know that my problems, my issues are nothing compared to what those in the NSW bushfires are copping. The absolute desecration of houses, the hopelessness and the contrasting beautiful community solidarity just breaks my heart. So, much love to all those out there, doing it tough right now. Stay Safe. And if you’re watching from afar, here’s how you can help those who are victims of the fires.

Whatever kind of week you’ve had, good, bad or in between, come share. Sharing is caring. We’re all ears.

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Help :/ 11 years ago

So I recently went overseas with then-boyfriend for a month. I decided over there that I wasn't in love with him the way I was when we first met. We were together for almost a year and a half and I broke it off when we got back. It got very difficult after we broke up as he owes me a fairly large amount of money from the trip and we argued quite a bit.
Essentially, he made my life a living hell...
He has recently decided to text me again after 6 weeks of single-dom and wants to get together one-on-one for coffee or drinks or dinner... as "friends" he says.
I think it's still too soon to see each other in anything other than group outings and he's saying he's ready to be friends and wants to know why I don't because when I broke up with him I said we would still be friends so it didn't cause tension in the group.
I have nothing wrong with being friends with the guy but even before our relationship we never saw each other privately. It was always a group setting and I don't know why that's changed.
Does this situation sound like an ulterior motive? or do you think he just moves on fast?

Clairish 11 years ago

He is being disrespectful if he has to ask why you want your space. You shouldn't have to ask twice if you're not ready to see him in anything other than a group situation.
If it were me, I'd be saying no thanks, and please don't contact me for a while. If you still want to be friends later on when I'm ready, cool, if not, please don't bother.

$7988284 11 years ago

Has he paid the money back????

Elle 11 years ago

I think he's probably really missing you and finding it a difficult adjustment to not see you anymore at all when you were presumably quite close when you were together. It sounds like you're really over him and fine with not seeing him. Is that right? I feel like for him it isn't that easy and he really misses the connection. Even when someone breaks up with you sometimes you don't want to lose them from your life completely and feel better if they can still be in your life as a friend. If you can't do this, then I would gently explain to him that you feel like it will be hard for you both to move on when you're hanging out as friends one on one, but be empathetic of how he might be feeling and try to be kind about it.

Guest 11 years ago

Long story. Since its a fair amount of money and the reason he owes me is because he couldn't afford the trip properly at the time, its going to be a long time until it's paid. The arguments from after we broke up were partially due to him not being willing to pay me for "a year or so". I wasn't ok with that.
Moral of the story - kiddies, never lend money to boyfriends and expect it to be paid back. They might be nice about it when your together but that all changes when you break up. Lesson learned.

Itching for a change 11 years ago

OMM: Thinking of moving to Perth - anyone living there and can tell me about it???

petal 11 years ago

I have lived here my whole life and I really like it and want to stay here. The weather is beautiful, its safe, easy to get around and is a relaxed, happy place.

I am 23 and a lot of people around my age like to complain that there is 'nothing to do' but I think sometimes people just like to complain. Recently there have been a lot of small bars and shops opening, and the City of Perth has made a huge effort to make the city more exciting.

I think we have the best beaches in the world, and there are different vibes in different suburbs to suit different people. I guess the mining boom has meant there has been a shift in the way that wealth has traditionally been distributed, and the rise of the 'cashed up bogan', and you do notice it around. But it doesn't really bother me.

It's the most isolated city in the world and is incredibly expensive, but you can live cheaply and very well with a bike, in a share house and visiting local farmers markets!

Clairish 11 years ago

Amen to this. Perth is gorgeous!

$7988284 11 years ago

Perth is amazing! Best city in Australia esp if you love beaches, they're the best - QLd has got nothing on Perth beaches. I would live there in a flash and nearly did about 12 years ago but had just set up my company in sydney so didn't.. but I kind of regret it.

I've lived in Brisbane, Adelaide, sydney, Melbourne and Perth beats them all.

I love it there and you meet so many people who have holidayed there and stayed. It's like Sydney but better and not as expensive although I hear that the property prices have really gone up due to mining boon. Subiaco is amazing and Cottesloe incredible.

People say it's the most isolated city etc etc but I don't get that.. compared to what? I live in Sydney and I don't see how it differs... I can fly to Melbourne or overseas just as easily in Perth as I can in Sydney.. Plus you have Margaret River and Rottnest Island!!!

Maybe I should move too, good luck x

petal 11 years ago

It is literally the most isolated city, as in, in kilometers. Or maybe capital city. Flights are expensive to everywhere but Bali haha