
Mia Freedman: This is what it takes to get an 8 year-old girl to camp.






I sent my daughter off to Year 3 camp this morning. She’s 8. And this is a Big Deal. Preparations have been going on since the start of the school year when we first found out about the camp. But they’ve really ramped up in the past seven days.

Two new pairs of shoes were bought from Target (neoprene ones for ‘ponding’ and cheapie trainers to trash). Did a full week of sleeping bag training – both sleeping in it and learning how to roll it back up.

Had a practice sleep-over (in sleeping bag) at her best friend’s house.

Packed and re-packed. Talked about the importance of taking a sheet due to likelihood of bed bugs on festy cabin mattress. Calmed her down and quickly revised “bed bugs” to “dirt”.

Tied ribbons and bought tags for her bag to make it more easily identifiable. Agonized over the possibility of not being in a cabin with her friends. Tried to reframe it as an “exciting opportunity to make new friends!” in spirit of Mary Poppins.

Bought a new torch because the one we already have at home is too heavy. Apparently.

Discussed the importance of wearing shoes in the shower to avoid tinea.

Confirmed that tinea is indeed curable and it would not be life-threatening if she did, in fact, get it. Explained that no, she did not need to wear shoes to bed because you can’t get tinea from the inside of a sleeping bag. Bought new long sleeved t-shirts because they were on the packing list and she had none that still fit.

Debated for quite some time about which cuddly toy to take. Did visualizations to practice imagining my arms around her at night if she felt nervous. Talked through how it’s always scary to do something new but how the school would absolutely not make her do anything that was dangerous.

Dismissed the idea (mine) of taking contraband food for a midnight snack because “no way mum, it’s like, literally against the rules”.
This isn’t even the half of it.
And they’re only gone for 24hrs.

One night.

Back tomorrow.


Girls, man……

What would you have to teach your daughter for her to spend a night or two away from you? What advice do you think kids on school camp need?

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Top Comments

Ella 10 years ago

My youngest baby just turned 20, but this story brought it all back - how quickly all these milestones go by.

For all those who don't understand - "where were you" when all this was going on or are you a dad (sorry, I know some great dads). My children had and went to many sleepovers, but an excursion is a totally different animal.

I remember the excursion to Thredbo with a stop over in Canberra on the way there. What palaver - but I wouldn't have missed for anything.

It's all a part of the letting go and culminating with waiving them off at the airport - my first baby 24, will soon leave for a working holiday in Europe and I will be very brave, or at least not shed a tear till after he's gone through the departure gate - for it is our job as parents to make them strong and stand on their own two feet.

Guest 10 years ago

Seriously? This all seems outrageously dramatic for a one night adventure.