
Comedian Matt Lucas says there's a reason why Kevin Spacey can't be considered 'gay'.

British comedian, actor and screenwriter Matt Lucas, best known in Australia for his work in the television series, Little Britain (think Vicky Pollard), and as Rebel Wilson’s brother in 2011’s Bridesmaids, had something to say to disgraced actor Kevin Spacey this week.

And there were no “yeah but no but yeahs” about it.

Just over a week after the gay community expressed outrage over Spacey’s deflection of sexual allegations by announcing he chooses to “now to live as a gay man”, Lucas posted a very considered, very precise, response. The comedian posted a simple explanation on Twitter as to why Spacey is not only unwelcome as part of the gay community, but that he isn’t even truly a gay man.

The eloquent tweet began by pointing out that there are some countries in the world where it’s still illegal to be gay, “but today in Hollywood, you can be out. You really can.”

Lucas then paid tribute to all gay people who struggled for acceptance in a different era, and who faced the terror of the AIDS epidemic. The way Lucas sees it, those who “live in countries where we have the opportunity to express” their sexualities openly, have an obligation to the others to treat that privilege respectfully.

LISTEN: We need to talk about Kevin Spacey. Post continues… 

Which is the opposite of what Spacey has done. There’s been no honour or respect in his actions. He’s flaunted his privilege arrogantly, by hoping it will deflect people’s attention from the fact that he’s been outed, not as a gay man, but as a sexual predator.

But the line that really nails Lucas’s rationale is, “Being gay is so much more than feeling same-sex attraction. It’s an identity. It’s about being proud and free and striving to live as an equal.”

And that’s precisely why, “Kevin Spacey, you are not gay.”

It was certainly a sentiment that resonated with many of Lucas’s followers.

The simple but powerful breakdown made so much sense, that even this writer was compelled to respond to his definition of identity:

Proud, and free, and striving to be an equal. Now those are the words of a person who, unlike Spacey, truly understands what it’s like to be “the only gay in the village.

Listen to Mamamia Out Loud discuss the problem with Kevin:

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Top Comments

Cath Fowlett 6 years ago

Well he's not the only gay man in the village.

Guest 6 years ago

I don't know. If an identity comes with a set of strict rules that stipulate whether one can be included, I don't see a great deal of freedom and equality there. And today in Hollywood, how many openly gay men are being cast in big, mainstream roles that go on to win Oscars? I'd say there's still a long way to go.