
Kevin Rudd's passionate defence of gay marriage.


Last night on ABC’s Q and A, Kevin Rudd delivered a passionate defence of gay marriage, when questioned about his changed belief on the issue by a Pastor.

New Hope Church pastor Matt Prater told the Prime Minister that gay marriage was wrong in the eyes of God – and quoted the Bible as his evidence.

Kevin Rudd’s response: “The Bible also says that slavery is a natural condition.”

You can watch the whole answer below, in which Rudd delivers a passionate defence of equality.

The Prime Minister continued, “People don’t choose their sexuality, they are born that way,” and explained that if you accept that homosexuality is natural – it makes sense that gay marriage should be legalised. 

Onya Kevin.

For reactions to Kevin Rudd’s take down – both positive and a little more cynical – click through the gallery below. 


Top Comments

Andrew 11 years ago

If the pastor was running for PM, i would vote for him. Well done! Kevin's rude and ill-informed response revealed his true colours: rude, arrogant and clueless. Expect more of this in the unfortunate even that he gets re-elected.

I am christian hear me roar 11 years ago

I'm a christian, and I'm ashamed to be in the same category as that pastor. The law is the law and the law should treat everyone equally. I'm so sick of christians saying the law should reflect our beliefs. the law should protect us from forcing beliefs on others not the other way around. freedom should be for everyone human not just those who have religious beliefs. I say this with a lump in my throat because i hate Rudd, but he's right the great christian message is about love and understanding, i so sick of people throwing the bible around like a weapon of hate.