
There's going to be yet another Duggar. Seriously.

The family that can’t seem to stop growing is getting even bigger.

The Duggar family – those people bigger than all of the Kardashian-Jenners and their friends combined – is growing again.

Jessa Seewald (formerly Jessa Duggar) is one of the family’s many, many children. She’s been married for a few months to a guy named Ben Seewald, and the couple have just announced they’re having a baby.

“We’re expecting!” Jessa told People magazine.


“We are so excited,” her 19-year-old husband said.


“The due date is November first, our wedding anniversary. We are looking forward to being parents.”

Related: The Duggars just had another baby.

If you’ve gotten this far and still don’t know who any of these people are, let us explain. They’re the focus of an American show called 19 Kids and Counting, which is exactly what is sounds like. A couple have 19 kids and they want more. Now, their kids are having kids. This baby will be number 25.


Honestly, our heads hurt just contemplating that many people in one family. We bet their Sunday roast dinners get pretty crowded.

Click through the gallery below for photos of the family. 


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Top Comments

MySharona 9 years ago

I don't care how many children they have, as long as they're healthy and loved. But, there's nothing 'lovely' about this family. Their eldest son is a anti-gay, anti-choice lobbyist for the disgusting FRC in Washington. Michelle records horrible robocalls (canned messages that spam local phone numbers here in the US) that claim trans people threaten the safety of the community. Not a lot of "love thy neighbor" going on there.Their daughters are subject to a life of servitude, where woman are treated as washing-cooking-breeding machines. They don't have a choice in their lives to be anything but this - sure, they play some instruments on the side, qualify as midwives, but at the end of the day, they're expected to marry young, breed, and perpetuate the cycle of female oppression. I don't think anyone could claim the Duggar's are anything but extreme, archaic 'Christians' with a backwards view of what it means to really follow the teachings of Christ, who, at the end of the day, was all about love, acceptance and forgiveness.

Emily 9 years ago

I've only just started watching them on the TLC channel on Foxtel, sure their views are different from most people, but crumbs they really do seem like nice people, and they all really like each other. How anyone can have 19 children is beyond my understanding, but Michelle and Jim Bob seem to have raised rather nice and normal kids. Not sure about all the children having the letter "J" for their first names and now that the eldest Josh has married Anna and they have 3 little ones all named with "M" names. Wonder if Jill who has just had baby Isreal David, will name the next one with and "I" name.

V! 9 years ago

19 children is beyond most peoples understanding. It's very Jim Bob of them.