
YOU could earn $2 an hour being a celebrity's personal assistant.

We LOVE it when celebrities need minions.

Jermain Defoe (who plays professional football in England, which we all know is NOT football, it’s soccer) is in desperate need of a staff member. The 32-year-old Sunderland striker (again, that is a SOCCER thing) has advertised on a UK job search site, looking for a personal assistant.

But he’s not just looking for a PA. According to the job description, he needs a PA, web designer, marketing executive, travel agent, fashion designer, event manager and housekeeper.

Source: Instagram @iamjermaindefoe

Some of the skills that Defoe demands of his PA include:

  • Creating a global brand for the Jermain Defoe name (which probably requires a full team of marketing execs and designers).
  • Producing his own iPhone apps (which probably requires someone with qualifications in iOs design and IT).
  • Growing his online database on his website, Twitter, Facebook and other social media platforms (which is not promising to anyone who was hoping for authenticity in his accounts).
  • Creating a clothing line/ fragrance for his brand (who DOESN’T know how to create a fragrance in their spare time?).

But it doesn’t stop there. The PA must also arrange all travel and accommodation, liaise with all sponsors/agents/directors/managers, travel both with and without Jermain to organise his business meetings, plan all of his social events including Christmas, New Year, and ‘Bonfire’ (eh?), and manage and organise his individual family members (including his mother, stepfather, sister, nephew, and ‘family pets’).

Source: Instagram @iamjermaindefoe

And make his lunch. Or, be the ‘organising manager on a daily basis: lunch, etc’.

In their spare time, the PA also needs to keep his fridge stocked at all times, his house cleaned for when he gets home from trips, and come up with an inventory for the holiday villa (whatever that means? In case something gets stolen? Or he doesn’t actually know what is kept in his villa? Hmm).


The hours required are ‘on call 24/7’, which is 61320 hours a year. With the £50,000 – £60,000 salary he is offering, it works out to less than one British pound an hour, or AUD$2.

Worth it? Probs not.

If you are skilled at building apps, designing clothing lines, making fragrances and creating an online following, maybe just go into business for yourself. You might make more than two dollars an hour.

Read more:

An application to be Kate Middleton’s housekeeper she can’t possibly resist.

Parents say this celebrity’s line of organic sunscreen doesn’t work.

What it’s really like to be Beyonce’s personal assistant.



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Top Comments

V! 9 years ago

It's not for the money it's for the joy of being around this superstar that I've never heard of.