
Apparently, no-one told Jamie Foxx that jokes about Bruce Jenner aren't funny.

Not funny. Not even a little bit.

Jamie Foxx, the actor and “comedian” who may or may not be dating Katie Holmes, made some seriously unfunny jokes at the expense of Bruce Jenner to a huge crowd over the weekend.

Foxx was hosting the iHeartRadio awards in Las Vegas and decided to throw in some tasteless, transphobic comments about 65-year-old Bruce Jenner‘s alleged transition.

Even worse? Kylie Jenner, Bruce’s 17-year-old daughter, was supposedly in the audience at the time.

Foxx kicked off his monologue by saying: “We have some groundbreaking performances here, too, tonight. We got Bruce Jenner, who will be here doing some musical performances. He’s doing a his-and-her duet all by himself.”

After that train wreck, he continued.

Related: Kim Kardashian addresses Bruce Jenner transitioning rumours.

“Look, I’m just busting your balls while I still can,” Foxx added.

Understandably, his attempts at jokes offended a lot of people. Viewers began tweeting their disgust after the awards aired, with many blaming the awards for not cutting his tasteless jokes.

Neither Foxx nor iHeartRadio have apologised yet for the jokes made at Bruce’s expense.


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Top Comments

Melly4 9 years ago


guest 9 years ago

I feel sorry for this guy. It would be difficult for someone to go through a transition like this under normal circumstances, but doing it in the public eye would make it so much more difficult. I think the media need to lay off and let him be!