
"If Jackie O is considered 'fat', there's no hope for the rest of us."

Jackie O is fat.

She is so freaking fat that once a week, every week, she stands on a scale in her radio studio and announces her number to the nation’s largest breakfast audience.

Invariably her co-host, Kyle Sandilands, then taunts her about her fatness. Her laziness. Her inability to lose the weight that she gained when she had her daughter Kitty, um, five years ago.

“You haven’t just fallen off the wagon,” he told Jackie yesterday in KISS FM’s “Fat Club” segment, when she admitted that she had gained a kilo, after losing three.

“You have been dragged across the desert by a rope. This is a bad situation.”

Let’s, for one moment, set aside the supreme irony of Mr Sandilands hassling anyone about what they eat and how much they weigh.

And then let’s set aside the illusion that we should take any lessons in life from commercial radio, even on the supremely slickly produced and often funny #kjshow.

And let’s just ponder the message that hundreds of thousands of Sydneysiders, plus a national drive time audience, are absorbing with their cornflakes and exhaust fumes.

The message that a woman who looks like this:

Should be ashamed of her physical appearance, publicly ridiculed for her ill-discipline and focussing hard on calorie deprivation.

While a man who looks like this:

Should be worshipped as a God because he is obscenely rich and has a girlfriend of unarguable "hotness".

But never mind all that. There's something else worrying about what Kyle and Jackie O are doing of a morning with their Fat Club. And it's about numbers.

Any expert in disordered eating will tell you that public figures revealing their "number" is something that they just should not do.

Young people (mostly women, and on the above evidence, it's not hard to see why) who are susceptible to eating disorders will take those numbers and cling to them. What number is too big, what number is desirable, what number is their ultimate goal.

Watch the trailer for Embrace, a documentary about body image and how we're going to change the future for women and girls.

There's no context about other factors of height and health and lifestyle when bald KGs are being flung about on radio shows and on magazine covers professing to tell you WHAT CELEBRITIES REALLY WEIGH.

There are just the cold, hard numbers to focus on. And numbers lie.

Jackie O's number is less than the weight of the average Australian woman. Jackie O - an attractive and successful professional who has made her own fortune, has a happy marriage and a healthy, beautiful child - lives a life of privilege few of us can imagine.

And yet, apparently, it's still her weight that matters.

Maybe the fact that "Jac" is not razor-thin is a plus to the commercial image-makers who want her to appeal to the masses. Because the mass of us do not have her money, her handbags or her glamorous job, but we do have insecurities about our bodies.

Feeling that there's just too much of us is a common female experience. Stressing about numbers and falling off diets are things that many, many women relate to.

But there isn't a woman alive who enjoys being publicly ridiculed for the size of her body, no matter how much she's getting paid for it. Post continues after gallery.

Jackie O on Instagram.

 If Jackie O is fair game for the "fat" police, what hope is there for the rest of us?

And if the number so irresponsibly thrown out of our radio speakers is deemed lazy and unacceptable for a 41-year-old mother, then more than half the women in Australia should be gazing at their bodies in disappointment and shame.

Unfortunately, they are.

And Fat Club — you're really, really not helping.
Would you share your weight publicly? 
You can follow Holly on Facebook, here

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Top Comments

Kimbo 8 years ago

I would NEVER listen to Kyle S. and every time I read about him I feel furious that he is still on air.
They are obviously carrying on this rubbish because it has brought reactions and people are "paying attention" to what these idiots say - like said below - please stop endorsing these horrible people MM.

Shaz 8 years ago

Kyle and Jackie O's "Fat Club": The misogynist bullying by male colleague on air of his female colleague who has woefully low esteem, who jointly show appalling disregard for a growing section of the community who commit self harm (including anorexia) due to sexist media emphasis on woman who are not fat being forced to lose weight. KIIS FM also fails to provide Jackie O with a safe workplace (I understand that she puts up with the misogynist bullying for ridiculous sums of money, but that does not make it right). The incitement of hatred and ridicule towards females is a clear breach of 1.1 e in the ACMA broadcast code of conduct (you think "Fat Club" is not about gender? The only medically obese person in that studio is not being made to lose weight because he's male).
I have done the complaint form for KIIS FM but the fact that the Kyle and Jackie O show is still on air shows KIIS FM's continued disregard for the code of practice and other legislation and they will undoubtedly fail to do anything about this breach just like all the other breaches.
There is more than sufficient information for ACMA to investigate this show yet they ask for all of your personal information such as home address, home phone, email and then say they can provide it to the person you are complaining about. Do you think anyone is going to trust vile unethical Kyle with their personal info? They do it so they don't have to investigate. It's time the government actually investigated the harm done to the wider community by this show.

And for those that bleat: "well you don't have to listen to the show" you are right, but i have to work, go out and exist in the community where the not-so-bright listeners of that show also exist, who believe that because Kyle repeatedly gets away with his appalling acts towards women, then it's okay for them to be misogynists pigs towards women as well. That is the problem.

Shaz 8 years ago

"Outrage junkies"?! Goodness you must be proud of yourself to come up with that one. Step into the real world, where women are abused, assaulted, humiliated, disrespected and discriminated against, by males who see that other males are allowed to do whatever the hell they want to woman and are never held responsible for it, so why shouldn't they? Rudi, you have a lot to learn.

Guest 2 8 years ago

You do know radio shocks, which include Kyle and Jackie O are not real life right? You do know it is all planned and scripted by both beforehand right?

You do understand it's all about outrage and the massive ratings it gets on early morning radio right? You do realise this is why they both have great paychecks right?

Shaz 8 years ago

You do know having it planned and scripted give my words even more weight...right? That Kyle's appalling treatment of women is planned and purposeful..right? You know that's the reason why harmful misogynists like him shouldn't be on air...right?


yep.Very clever scripting