
The Australian clothing line that young d*ckheads are wearing.

Because dickheads need clothes, too.

Some Australian blokes are running a clothing label. They say: “We design clubbing & festival clothing for guys, and distribute worldwide.” Because they’re smart, savvy social media dude-bros, they know their brand.

And apparently that brand is being a dickhead.

Because who else would wear something like this?

And who else would think that this is funny?

Probably the same dudes who think rape cakes are HILARIOUS:

Ja Feel’s work on social media is A-Grade Dickhead. And they have a tidy 46.6 thousand Instagram followers who enjoy this kind of thing:


They boast on their website that their Snapchat has been banned FIVE TIMES. I’m not entirely sure why it’s such a cool thing to be banned from a social media platform that’s used mainly for sending dick pics, but whatever. Congratulations on being more edgy than penises. It’s nice to have #goals.

Yes, this is JUST a clothing company for idiots who think that boobs and bums are shocking and sexism is hilarious.

And yeah, it’s not the domestic violence epidemic or the fact that women get paid 20 cents in the dollar less than men.

But the truth is, sometimes a stupid, sexist t-shirt made by a clothing company for dickheads is a BIG DEAL.

Because as much as we say we can prevent the shocking rates of intimate partner violence by investing in teaching young people about respectful relationships – there’s a group of young men who are being told the opposite.

Young men are are still being told that it’s cool to degrade women and it’s funny to joke about rape. They’re being told to celebrate and boast about their sexism. Ja Feel’s 46.6 thousand Instagram followers can attest to that.

We know that inequality between men and women is the root cause of violence against women. Ending that inequality is the best chance we have to stop women dying at the hands of their partners. The fact that Ja Feel is a viable, on-going financial proposition in this country is exactly what we’re fighting against.

Yes, they are just a t-shirt company for dickheads. But they’re much more than that. They’re a walking, talking, Instagramming example of a culture that not only thinks that violence is ok, but that it’s hilarious.

Ja Feel?

For more:

There is no such thing as “reverse sexism”.  It doesn’t exist.

Annabel Crabb: The anti-women presumptions in the Hockey housing furore.


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Top Comments

Guest 9 years ago

hahahah this article is so funny.

How do you feel about the women who choose to send in their naked selfies to Ja feel? Or the women who actually like Ja feel or the little community around it?


This is an advantage for young women.Sometimes in a club,you may have difficulties picking out the slimeballs.this makes it much easier

guest 9 years ago

Unfortunately, there's a huge percentage of our younger female population who don't take this into consideration when choosing a BF. If he's that much of an inbred to wear a shirt like that publicly, then I wouldn't give him the time of day. I believe I have more common sense that others though.


So you are saying that a young man wearing that shirt would be attractive to some young ladies

Zepgirl 9 years ago

They might find it sexy in a hyper masculine way without thinking of the broader implications.