
I prefer gluten-free bread and I’m not apologising for it.

Thanks to our brand partner, Abbott's Village Bakery

Labels that read gluten-free automatically attract me. I am not gluten intolerant, I don’t have an allergy to gluten, but I don’t like the way my stomach feels strange and bloats after eating pasta and bread and all those pastry delicacies.

If there is a gluten-free option, I will usually go for it. (Many people roll their eyes at this but, so long as I am feeding myself and spending my own money to do so – I really don’t think you ought to have a problem).

After the initial eye-rolling reaction, there usually comes a comment about the taste, texture, consistency, and all-round edibility of gluten-free foods.

How can you eat that? They mutter, staring at my slice of gluten-free toast with strawberry jam as if it possesses some sort of radioactivity.

So used to the eye-roll. Image:

The third tier of the whole conversation? Expense.

That’s alright for you, but there’s no way you’ll be able to continue that diet if you start a family. It’s too expensive.

As I said… My money, etc. etc.

But not only are these misconceptions a teeny, tiny bit (dare I say it?) nosey. They’re also incorrect.

There are plenty of gluten-free options on the market that are full of taste, of a normal consistency and very, very affordable.

Gluten Free Breads from Abbott’s Village Bakery are a prime example.

Before finding Abbott’s Village Bakery gluten free products, buying bread at the supermarket always felt like an overwhelming feat. There are so many options. So many choices of three-grains, five-grains, wholemeal, white, rye, regular-coloured packaging, bright-coloured packaging, homely-coloured packaging.

After finally stumbling (almost quite literally, among all those options) upon Abbott’s Village Bakery gluten free products, I no longer have to stand in the bread aisle contemplating what really are the largest, most important questions in life, in intervals of at least 20 minutes.

No, this bread ticks all the boxes.

Box ticking bread. Image: iStock.

You can choose between the Abbott’s Village Bakery Mixed Seeds Gluten Free loaves and Soy & Linseed Gluten Free loaves.

Personally, I prefer the soy & linseed option, because of the great taste and texture. The next time someone questions my gluten free purchase, I am not going to bother to answer.

There is also one, very important (particularly for those raised in Australia) test that Abbott’s Village Bakery must have put their gluten free loaves through.

The sausage sizzle test.

These slices of bread, sans gluten, are sturdy and soft textured enough to hold a sausage and maximum – meaning, saturation levels – of tomato sauce.

Unlike many other gluten free breads available (I’m not saying my friends have been right), the Abbott’s Village Bakery options are made to be eaten a variety of ways. From jam toast with some melting butter, to a sausage sizzle, steak sandwich, French toast or makeshift burger.

Abbott’s Village Bakery raise their loaves free-range as there are no artificial colours, flavours or preservatives in any Abbott’s Village Bakery products.

Passes the sausage sizzle test. Bunnings here we come. Image: iStock.

If you’re looking for a tasty and very usable gluten-free option, Abbott’s Village Bakery breads should be your go-to. They will provide you with the taste, goodness and durability (hello salad and ham sandwich) you’re after, just like regular bread.

Their taste and texture will also shut down any complaints from those righteous gluten lovers (Abbott’s Village Bakery also offers options for them.) But, perhaps most importantly, opting for Abbott’s Village Bakery is bound to save you hours in the supermarket bread aisle. Because, once you make the move, you’ll never feel the need to “browse your options” again.

What do you pair your gluten-free bread with?

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Top Comments

squish 8 years ago

I don't have a problem with people eating gluten-free if they're not gluten intolerant - as you said, it's your money and food! What I do have a problem with is non-gluten intolerant people claiming they ARE gluten intolerant at restaurants, on planes, etc. to demand a gluten-free option when it may not be available. People like that are a major reason why gluten intolerance is seen as "fake", and make it harder for people who really are gluten intolerant.

Simple Simon 8 years ago

A colleague who's glutten intolerant was saying people will request glutton free food, and the kitchen will go to all the effort of carefully preparing a glutten free meal, then the staff will see those same people eating cake and drinking beer.

squish 8 years ago

A friend of mine sat next to a woman on a plane who demanded a gluten-free meal, even though she hadn't organised to receive one one ahead of time, because she was gluten-intolerant. When the staff told her they didn't have any available because she hadn't ordered one, she accepted the fish, complaining loudly that she'd have to scrape the batter off. She didn't, and ate the whole thing.