
iNews: Is there a right way to abandon a baby?

The latest parenting news from Australia and around the world.

Is there a right way to abandon a baby?

China's so-called 'sewe

Is soccer giving your son brain damage?

Sophisticated scans reveal that soccer players who head the ball a lot show changes in the white matter of their brain that mirror those seen in trau

Watch these dads react when hooked up to their partner's pregnant bellies

It's THE MOMENT of every pregnancy, when you feel your baby move for the first time.

Federal Health Minister rejects "No Jab, No Play" legislation

In a disappointing move, Federal Health Minister Tanya Plibersek has revealed she does not support the banning of unv

New mums heading back to work sooner

New figures show working mums are being forced to cut their maternity leave short due to financial pressures and fears about job security.

Attention, hipster parents: the skateboard stroller is here

You've heard of the running stroller, but how about the skateboarding stroller? 

Daycare worker drugged children with cupcakes

A daycare worker in Ohio in the US has been charged with six counts of child endangerment for lacing cupcakes, pancakes and drinks with the all

Babies who gain weight faster have a higher IQ

Babies who gain more weight during their first four weeks of life end up having an IQ that is 1.5 points higher by the time they are six.

Mum's school photo fury

He's the cutest kid in this photo. Do you see him? No, he's not front-and-centre, he's not even in the first row. He's off to the side.

Watch what happens when a pregnant woman tries to sit down on a train

A lot of us here at iVillage catch buses and trains to the office each day.


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