
iNews: should parents be fined for raising a bully?

This week’s latest parenting news from Australia and around the world.

What to do when your grown kids won't leave home

Having a grown child at home costs five times as much as a baby or a toddler.

Why French children don't have ADHD

French children have significantly lower rates of ADHD than other nations with the percentage of kids diagnosed and medicated

She painted her perfect man ... then she met him

Maybe she can paint a pile of cash next?

Why your baby will grow up lonely

First came Gen X, then Gen Y and Z. Now babies have a new label: Generation Alpha.

Kids need sun exposure to develop healthy eyesight

After years of being told to limit our children's exposure to sunlight due to skin cancer risks researchers now say we've become t

Can this pregnant boy teach teens about safe sex?

Fancy a breastmilk lollipop?

They must be running out of new flavours to invent!

Introducing ... the world's fastest pram

When a man finds out he's going to be a dad he normally has one of several reactions - delight, surprise, panic, dread...


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