
I don't care what other mums think of me. Not anymore.

I don’t care what other mums think of me, at least, not anymore. It’s amazing how much better life can be when you stop caring about the opinions of people who don’t have your best interests at heart.

It’s not about hiding the fact their opinion has affected you, it’s about simply not giving two shits, or “fucks” as my new favourite book The Life-Changing Magic of Not Giving a F**k by Sarah Knight has taught me. I only came acros the book a few weeks ago but now realise that’s exactly what I have been doing for the past year.

Life has never been better.

I no longer have any hoots, shits or f**ks to give to the opinions of others, so kindly keep them to yourself or post them on social media so I can ignore them.

I don’t have to listen to everyone who has an opinion on how I choose to parent.

They don’t know me.

They don’t care about me.

They don’t have to live my life.

They don’t have to deal with the consequences of my actions.

Funny fails of sleep-deprived mums. Article continues after this video.

What I’ve realised is that as long as I am happy with the decision I have made that’s enough. There’s no more angst, no more self-analysis, no more fear and doubt, no more second-guessing or questioning.

I’m doing my best, that’s good enough for me. If you don’t like it, keep your opinions to yourself.

You should try it. It’s so much fun.

It’s only during my most vulnerable times as a mum – the first two years after my son was born and the first two years of his school life – that I really let mummy judgement get to me. I was influenced by every little opinion every mum I met and didn’t meet (those on social media) had about something I had said or done.

I lived in a state of constant doubt, of constant failure, of never living up to being this perfect mum these other mothers clearly were.

Like most major epiphanies, it took my going to a dark sad place to realise I was living my life all wrong and caring too much what others thought of me, particularly in how I chose to parent. It took my son’s autism diagnosis for me to stop listening to everyone’s opinions about everything.

Yes I put my five-year-old on the school bus.

No I haven't tried forcing my autistic son to try new foods.

Yes I am panicked and paranoid over my son's food allergies.

No I don't always cook from scratch.

Yes they do get lunch orders every day.

No I am not buying new school uniforms every time they rip their current ones.


To be honest as long as my children are...

a. Alive

b. Loved and Happy

c. Fed and Watered

...then I don't think I need to be doing anything differently or better because what else is there?

My new attitude - and it really is an attitude that I carry around with me - means I don't have to suffer the opinions of others as often. There was something about those times in my life when I was filled with doubt and fear and confusion that left some other mums thinking their feedback (criticism, judgement) would be welcomed.

Well, it's not bloody welcomed anymore.

I do have a close circle of beloved fellow mums to whom I turn for solicited advice. They know who they are. They are people who know me and my family, who care about us, who assume the best of me instead of the worst and whose advice I listen to.

Usually because I have specifically requested it.

That's the way we should all be when it comes to everything. It renders strangers and haters powerless because we just couldn't care less what they think of how we choose to parent. They can still give their opinion, to your face if they dare, it's a free country after all and I still give my opinion on how others choose to parent. I just don't let it upset me anymore.

You do things your way and I will do mine.

You live your life and I will live mine.

You eat your skinless marinated chicken breast and we'll enjoy our KFC. I dare you to say something about it. I double, triple dare you.

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Top Comments

Guest 8 years ago

Thank you, I really need to hear this at the moment. It might take a while but I'm going to remind myself all day everyday...