
"I'm only going to say this once." The rant about school drop off lines going viral.

There’s really nothing more stress-inducing than the morning school run.

Of course, there’s the added stress of getting the lunchbox packed and ready to go and making sure the kids are actually out the door on time, but as all parents know, there’s one aspect that truly trumps all others – the dreaded school drop-off.

From dealing with endless school traffic and last minute requests for cash for the canteen, it’s not fun.

But one mum thinks she has a solution.

And boy, is she spot on.

Posting to Facebook, mum Stephanie Blakely Calabrace argued that if everyone worked together and did the school drop off properly, the process wouldn’t be so damn painful.

“I’m only going to say this once. If you have to bathe and dress your kids, comb their hair, scramble them an egg and write them a send off letter before they can exit the car – YOU DO NOT BELONG IN THE SCHOOL DROP OFF LINE,” she wrote.

“Only people who raised their kids to jump out of the car with backpacks loaded like they are storming the beaches of Normandy while the car is at a slow roll are allowed in the drop off line,” she added.

“I will be giving stink eye warnings today but tomorrow I’m issuing citations.”

The hilarious post clearly rang true with many parents, with her Facebook rant quickly going viral. In just a few weeks, the post has been shared over 10,000 times with hundreds of frustrated parents sharing their own school drop-off dilemmas.

“Finally! I thought I was alone in this campaign,” one woman wrote.

“Oh my goodness this is the best! Like someone read my mind while I’m on morning duty!” another wrote.

But not everyone understood Stephanie’s humour.

“A few were offended and accused me of being impatient, intolerant, and targeting kids with special needs,” she told Yahoo Lifestyle.

Good luck on the next school run, parents.

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Top Comments

mnsns29 6 years ago

unloving parents being jealous of loving parents. whats new?

Susie 6 years ago

Don't children walk to school these days? No wonder there is an obesity epidemic.

Salem Saberhagen 6 years ago

Yes! This!! What is with all the cars? My mother always walked me to school and back. It never would have even occurred to her to take me in the car (even if we did have a car which we didn't for quite awhile). If cars are waiting at 2pm!!!! Then why can't the parent WALK to the school and wait?!?? We walked, rode a bike to school. Even when raining, we had a raincoat/umbrella. Even my schoolmates whose parents had cars never got lifts, unless the weather was really REALLY bad like flooding and gale force storms-level bad.

If you are sitting in a car at 2pm at the school, you clearly have way too much time on your hands, need a life and priorities. Walk your child to school! Spend that time with them, discussing school projects, things coming up, just.....walking with your child! Help the environment AND your child's health. My mum also took the time walking to school to go through a school reader with me and practice my spelling. And later on, my best friend and I used to walk to school, sometimes singing songs (songs on the radio, school house war-cries, songs we learned in school music), talking etc. Those were the best times. A car would have ruined all that.

Do parents REALLY take a car, wait outside for an entire hour? Even in the era of stay at home mums, I don't know any mum who could be bothered even if they had the time, to wait in a car for A WHOLE HOUR! When did 'drop offs' and 'pick ups' become a thing with parents in cars? Wtf is wrong with these people?!?? Ffs.

TwinMamaManly 6 years ago

Or the bus? I loved catching the bus.

And I used to ride or walk sometimes although it was 3km, but mostly through suburbia.

TwinMamaManly 6 years ago

My twins start Kindy next year (yay!). And we are fortunate that the school is at the end of our street. I can’t wait to walk them, I’m even thinking of getting a dog for this reason.

It’s crazy these days - I mean, the traffic is practically halved when it’s school holidays.