
How important are your eyebrows REALLY?

Looking for something new and fun to do with your face? Get rid of your eyebrows! Wheeeeee! From The-Emperor's-New-Clothes files comes word that removing or bleaching your brows into oblivion appears to be the latest beauty trend.

Posh hasn't actually done this at the time of posting but if she did, this is how she might look….more celebs after the jump…..

According to the Daily Mail

The look that was once sported by both Mona Lisa and Elizabeth I is now being sold as the last word in modernity.
thinking seems to be that if you've exhausted every other manner of
facial alteration in the book, why not try losing your eyebrows?

all, we've inflated our lips, pierced our noses, smoothed our foreheads
with Botox, chiselled our cheekbones and tattooed our eyelids with

Indeed, in the midst of a recession,
waxing your brows can shake up your look for the price of a pack of
peroxide or pair of tweezers.

a severe style that does little to flatter most female faces, instead
creating an otherworldly lack of expression, and an air of sexless
roboticism to a woman's appearance.

course, in these harsh economic times, it's certainly a way of making a
dramatic style statement without splashing out on an avant-garde
designer outfit.

times are tough, fashion frequently turns to more non-conformist looks
in an attempt to plug into the edgy, unnerving tenor of the times.
(There is a reason that the punk look took off in the Seventies, amid
the strikes and doom and gloom of the decade.)

of those who have already followed this trend have suggested it is, one
described it, 'an optimistic, idealistic statement' which is somehow
unifying because it renders men and women more asexual.

Or? It's just bonkers.

Here is model Adriana Lima with bleached brows in the latest Givenchy ad…

Here is the new GIvenchy browless ad….

Here is what some celebrities would look like without their brows:


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Top Comments

Camille (aka Bald and Blue) 14 years ago

and here's the AFTER shot...

Nicky 14 years ago

I can only imagine what you feel, and sympathise with the unfairness of it all - but anyone looking you in the eye can still see your gorgeous face. I voluntarily shaved off all my hair 15 years ago, though not my eyebrows (thought about it though - Whoopi Goldberg does it), and I have to say my look was more Dalai Lamai than Sinead O'Connor.... Not gorgeous. You definitely wear it better than I did.

Tali James 14 years ago

Camille you have THE most amazing bone structure - your cheekbones could rival Kate Moss! xo

Camille 14 years ago

thanks for your feedback, putting up those pictures was a bit hard...

Tali James 14 years ago

Camille you are beautiful AND brave - to think I've cried a river after a dodgy fringe trim.... xo

Camille (aka Bald and Blue) 14 years ago

AS someone with alopecia Universalis-no body hair whatsoever- for the past ten years, I can confidently say that when I lost my head hair, I tidied my eyebrows and put eyeliner on and looked striking. Then I lost my eyebrows and eye lashes and have never stopped crying.
If I could bargain with God, I would easily give up the chance to get my head hair in order to get eyebrows and eyelashes back. They make the face, without them, I look like a fish. But not Nemo, because he has eyelashes, as did the piglets in Babe (whose eyelashes were dyed brown to make them look more human.)
Notice, as aweful as those stars look without eyebrows, their eyes are super-made up, with tons of mascara.
So embrace your brows and lashes, ladies, they're much more important than you think.