real life

This is how feminism hurts men.



Yesterday somebody on Facebook told me that feminism elevates women at the expense of men, that its agenda to validate women emasculates us guys.

He was right.

For men, the rise of feminism has relegated us to second-class status. Inequality and discrimination have become part of our everyday lives.

Because of feminism, men can no longer walk down the street without fear of being catcalled, harassed, or even sexually assaulted by women. When he is assaulted, the man is blamed – the way he dressed he was “asking for it”.

Because of feminism, there are no major Christian conferences about how to act like men, where thousands of men can celebrate their manliness and Jesus (and perhaps poke fun at female stereotypes).

Because of feminism, church stages and spotlights are often dominated by women. Men are encouraged to just serve in the nursery or kitchen. Sometimes men are even told to stay silent in church.

Because of feminism, women make more money than man in the same jobs.

Because of feminism, it’s hard to find a movie with a heroic male lead anymore. Most blockbusters feature a brave woman who saves the world and gets a token man as a trophy for her accomplishments.

Because of feminism, women’s professional sports are a massively profitable enterprise where women are globally idolized. Men only appear briefly, before commercial breaks, when they’re objectified for their bodies.

Because of feminism, the male body is constantly under public scrutiny. If a man appears topless on TV, it’s a national scandal resulting in huge fines and boycotts. Bloggers regularly write about how we need to be more mindful of the ways our clothing choices tempt women to sin. Satirists insist that shorts “aren’t really pants” and then men should cover up because “nobody wants to see that”.

Because of feminism, men are not represented in the White House, and women hold over 80% of the seats in Congress. When a man runs for office, his physical appearance and clothing choices are discussed almost as much as his policies and ideas.

Because of feminism, men must fight for a voice in the public sphere. In issues of theology, politics, science, and philosophy, the female perspective is often considered default, normal, and unbiased. Male perspectives are dismissed for being too subjective or too emotional. When we speak up, we are often dismissed as angry, rebellious, subversive, or dangerous.

But stay strong, bros.

One day we’ll all be equal.

This blog post was originally published at Redemption Pictures, and is republished here with full permission. 

Micah blogs about faith and culture Connect with him on Twitter and Facebook.

Do you have any other answers to the question ‘how feminism hurts men’? 

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Top Comments

O|oeeiieeo|O 9 years ago

Feminism hurts men by actively suppressing information which shows that men are not brutish swine. And actively fight against efforts to help men.
Consider Erin Pizzey. She opened the first domestic violence for women ever, anywhere in the world. However, she quickly realized that women were equally as violent with their partners as men, so she wanted top open a shelter for abused men. This led to her receiving so many bomb threats from feminists, that she eventually left her home country of England for a time.

When researchers try to publish data that shows women are equally as abusive as men, or that women have similar rates of pedophila as men, femnists show up, pull fire alarms, shout speakers down and basically do everything in their power to ensure the party line of women=good and men=bad is always retained.

Feminism hurts men by insisting that ALL discussions of gender be done through the lens of feminism, which is Women=innocent victims, men=privleged abusers.

This has led a generation of boys to grow up thinking their gender is swine.

It has also led to an enormous number of men's issues being completely ignored, like the rising rates of male suicide.

By insisting that medicine is biased against women, it has led to 7 federal health agencies dedicated to women and zero for men. For every one paper written about men's health 23 are written about womens. (and the gap in life expentancy for men and women only continues to grow)

Feminism hurts men by demanding we must focus first on women's issues. This has led to boys falling behind girls in all level of education since the 90's and the gap has only been growing. yet, the only gender bias I ever hear about in the media is with women and math.

Feminism hurts men by disbanding or not approving men's groups, which seek to address issues specific to men. Feminist protesters show up to men's meetings, forming human blockades and screaming in their faces 'we fucking hate you'. They called in dozens of bomb threats to the first international men's conference in Detroit last year.

Here are some more things

beach_girl 10 years ago

Well said! I love irony!