
"Why I'd take a homemade coffee over hipster-nonsense any day."

Thanks to our brand partner, Café Royal

For months on end, I had been getting my daily coffee fix from the most hipster café in the most hipster suburb in Sydney.

Don’t judge me – the coffee was good. The baristas? Charming. And naturally, the café’s wares were always perfectly Instagrammable. Because if you get an arty coffee and don’t Instagram it, did it even happen? No.

Anyway, at first I got sucked in by the café’s hype, by the long lines (hey, it must mean the coffee’s good, right?) the fact that the baristas knew my name and order from Day Two, and of course, their impeccable Ned Kelly-esque beards.

But a few months into my takeaway coffee addiction, the relationship began to sour.

Firstly, there was the gaping hole in my wallet – $4.50 a day FOREVER adds up.

Then, there was the fact that the café was so painfully alternate that they flat-out refused to use skim milk, even though I prefer the taste (apparently, it “ruins the integrity of the coffee”. Pfft. Whatever.)

And then there were the lines. The same lines that initially won me over weren’t so appealing when it meant standing in the miserable drizzle for 20 minutes plus…

And so, I started to look for an alternative.

Because I needed my $22.50 per week to go towards more than just a few mouthfuls of caffeine.

Because I worried that it was only a matter of time before my boss noticed that I would disappear for half an hour per day just to get my cup, thanks to those endless lines.

And because I am a grown adult and I should to be able to choose for myself whether I drink skim or full cream milk, dammit.

So, I decided I’d had enough.


I dusted off the coffee capsule machine I’ve been given as a present a year or so ago but that I’d barely used.

I browsed the coffee aisle during my next grocery shop at Woolworths, and stocked up on Café Royal capsules – it’s only recently launched in the Aussie market, and I was keen to give it a try.

I got up five minutes earlier, to make my coffee at home.

And I damn near fell in love.

You guys, the coffee was good. Really good (let’s face it – with Robbie Williams as a brand ambassador, it was always going to be great).

Leisurely sipping my coffee at home before rushing off to work definitely beat nervously glancing at my watch every minute and stressing about being late while I waited for my takeaway FULL CREAM coffee at the café.

And it’s Just. So. Convenient.

Not to mention price competitive. Instead of $4.50 a day, I’m now spending $3.50 for five whole days. If that doesn’t convince you, frankly I don’t know what will.

The Café Royal capsules can be used with Nespresso capsule coffee machines and they’re easily available at Woolies. So no more trekking into the city or shopping online every time you run out.

And if you’re after something a little different, it’s available in seven different flavours (Espresso, Espresso Forte, Lungo Classic, Lungo Forte, Dark Roast, India and Colombia) so there are plenty of options out there.

Never again will I faff around with pretentious baristas who refuse to use soy or skinny milk, or who have to drip coffee through a funnel of gold plated diamonds. Because having delicious coffee at home is easy, it won’t get me fired, and it means I have more spare change for lunch.

So next time you need a coffee? Just make one at home, people. Trust me.

Would you switch to homemade coffee?

To round it off, how about some of our favourite coffee memes?


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Top Comments

Ella 8 years ago

At the end of the day,you buy what you can afford!

RainbowWarrior 8 years ago

Capsules are a blight.
The coffee is weeks old by the time one gets it ... often older.
The quantity of waste materials is appalling.
The cost compared to buying one's own beans and grinding them fresh is 2.5-6 times as much.
Not a patch on owning a decent home coffee machine and learning how to use it well.