
Heeled thongs are back in fashion and we're scared.


If we’ve learned anything from Kim Kardashian, it’s that she can make us wear things we’d be otherwise reluctant to. Cycling shorts, anyone? Ski-mask sunglasses? Both together at the same time?

Love it or hate it, her style converts to trends.

And now, friends, we have the heeled thong.

It’s been 15 years since the early 2000s when shows like Laguna Beach and celebrity style icons such as Nicole Richie put the humble rubber thong on the fashion radar.

Everyone rushed out to buy Havaianas in every pattern and every colour of the rainbow.

Then, in the worst kind of natural progression, heeled thongs happened. A step up (literally) from the flat version, there were platform thongs, flatform thongs, wedge thongs and even…kitten heel thongs.

Eventually the footwear-of-the-moment gave way to more fashionable iterations of the sandal, and since then, things have been relatively quiet on the flip flop front.

Until now.

Largely thanks to Kim wearing these $1349 Yeezy heeled PVC wedges, the style is making a comeback.

Obviously, her sisters are on board:

But with fashion’s current wave of 2000s nostalgia, this was bound to happen – with or without the famous family’s endorsement.

And now we have other celebrities taking the bait, which can mean only one thing… they’ll be everywhere come our Aussie summer.

Meanwhile, more farshion-forward celebs are getting into ~extra~ versions of heeled thongs, such as these fishnet-chain hybrids, and just hell to the no.

You've been warned.

Are you pro the return of heeled thongs? Tell us in the comments.


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