
Code-cracking 3-year-old saves her mum's life

When pregnant mum Tiffany Lynch fell gravely ill, she never thought her rescuer would be her toddler daughter.

It was in the early hours of the morning on February 10 that Tiffany, 33, woke up feeling the effects of a stomach bug. Her husband had started feeling ill a little earlier and had driven himself to hospital, leaving his pregnant wife and his daughters aged 3 and 1 sleeping.

Tiffany was eight months pregnant. She managed to make it to the lounge before passing out. 3-year-old Aryanna found her there. Unable to wake her, Aryanna retrieved her mum’s phone and called a family member for help.

But first, she had to crack the phone password, which she quickly did.

She called her mum’s cousin Kristine Munnis who didn’t answer the phone, so Aryanna left the following message:

“Auntie, call me. Mommy’s not waking up. I need you.”

Kristine listened to the message soon after, called 911 and then called Aryanna and told the little girl to stay calm and look after her baby sister.

When paramedics arrived, Aryanna – who by that time had taken a moment to put on her favourite Snow White dress – unlocked the front door and let them in the house.

Tiffany was rushed to hospital for treatment and was hospitalised. Just hours later she gave birth to a baby girl. She remained in hospital for three days before returning home. Both dad and mum couldn’t be prouder of their brave little girl.

“She’s definitely our little rock star,” Kevin told Today. “She’s just a hero all around. I don’t want to think what would have happened if she wasn’t there.”

The most amazing part of this story is that the password to Tiffany's phone wasn't a series or letters or numbers, but a drawing that needs to be entered on the screen. Somehow Aryanna did it.

“She’s such a sponge,” said Kevin, 34. “She’s such a smart kid. I think she’s seen my wife using the phone she just memorised it, and when she needed to know it, she just knew what to do.”

Aryanna turns 4 next month and has been honoured by the Weymouth police. She received an honourary citation from the mayor and a safety officer's award from the police department, as well as a scholarship for preschool and...a basket of toys.

“It’s remarkable what she did to save her mother’s life,” Weymouth police Captain Richard Fuller said. “The outcome could have been tragic.”

Has you child ever done something surprising and amazing?

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