
"After hitting 30 and having two kids, I lost my motivation. But now? That’s changed."

When I had kids, I changed – in a lot of ways.

The change I struggled with most though was that I gradually forgot to look after myself. The demands of caring for two young kids meant I neglected my health and my wellbeing.

Admittedly, pre-babies I wasn’t the fittest out of my inner circle of friends, but I did worry about myself enough to try to stay reasonably healthy.

But post-babies, I had no motivation to be healthy or fit. And slowly I started to realise it was affecting my energy levels and ultimately, my kids.

I knew I had to do something. You know how it is – you sit and mull and wonder how the hell you’re going to get your healthy, energetic, sparkly life back on track.


So I started researching and stumbled across Trim for Life. It’s a program with doctors, nutritionists and daily motivations that helps you get active and stay healthy. No weights or marathons in sight – just simple, small lifestyle changes that would help me boost my energy and recharge my body again.

It’s available across all devices, and I just downloaded it on my mobile. And two weeks in, I honestly can’t remember what life was like without it.

Because the results have been pretty awesome (if I do say so myself). My skin is looking better – I’m glowing, my clothes are less snug and, slowly but surely, but confidence is starting to build up again.

I’ve always hated the word ‘diet’ (and I still do). But this app has an in-house celebrity chef, Tobie Puttock, who shares simple ingredients and very easy (and healthy) recipes that I can whip up in roughly 30 minutes.

Related: The biggest mistake you’re making with your eating habits.

I’d tried fad diets before but my weight just fluctuated – I’d lose it and then gain it right back again, because I could never stick to the strict regime. The great thing about this app is that it focuses on staying healthy (for life) so I actually enjoy sticking to it.

I have a meal plan for each day – I’m eating delicious meals like chickpea stir-fries, lamb back strap rolled in prosciutto and kangaroo kebabs. I’ve had quinoa porridge for breakfast and all types of egg dishes. I’m more creative with my cooking than…well…ever, and I have so much more energy these days.

If you have special dietary requirements that’s ok too because you can customise the app to suit your needs. If you’re vegetarian you can make sure all your recipe options are sans-meat.

You can personalise the app beyond just meals too – you can tailor it to focus on women’s health and you can even get extra information from hormone specialist Nat Kringoudis (or get extra motivation to exercise, if needed). The longer you use the app, the more it learns about you.

 Here's some examples of the personalisation of Trim for Life. Post continues after gallery. 

Trim For Life customisation

He (through the app) showed me that the only exercise I need to do is walking – nothing super strenuous – and that getting out in the fresh air is always what you need after a hectic day or to prepare for a busy 24 hours ahead. I’ve always enjoyed walking anyway, and knowing that’s all I have to do to stay healthy is all the motivation I need.

Related: 8 ways to drag yourself out of bed to work out

The greatest part about the app is that it gives me support so I can keep myself going. There’s a team of health and wellness experts that have kicked my butt into gear and are always offering up advice and tips on how to keep myself inspired to continue.

It’s so easy to use - I whipped it out at the grocery store just the other day with kids in tow so I could quickly grab what I needed to make a healthy dinner, and I can check in with my progress while I’m waiting to pick the kids up from preschool.

After hitting 30 and having two kids, I somehow lost my motivation. But now? That’s changed. And I haven’t felt this good for a long, long time.

How do you stay healthy and fit with kids?

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