


2012 brought you so many relationship lessons, your head may still be spinning as you move into the dark and transformative waters of 2013. Chances are, you have finally decided whether you are in or out (although the inner dialogue and debate is eternal). Now you are being called to go deeper into your experience of commitment and intimacy. Of course, you're known to favor the shallow end, Gemini, but you'll be surprised at how much you crave the depths this year.

You are willing to put in the hard work and do whatever it takes to make your life more solid, stable and secure than ever before. Even if this seems to go against your ever changeable nature, you'll find great comfort in consistency over the next few years.

Saturn, the cosmic taskmaster, is taking up long-term residence in your zone of health and work until 2015. The more energy you put into your current projects and daily duties, the greater the reward. You're learning the value of patience, perseverence and hard work. Finding the proper balance between work and health is also a theme that comes into sharp focus. How well are you taking care of yourself?

You may find yourself drawn to a more austere, sensible and — yes — healthy lifestyle now. Eating to live, instead of living to eat, becomes a viable theme. In order to keep up the energy to support the heaps of projects you've got brewing (as per usual), you'll need to make sure your health and vitality are top notch. Embracing a healthy lifestyle makes everything possible and keeps your life running like a well-oiled machine.

You'll be thrilled to hear that the winds of change are finally dying down as the last two plus years of crazy eclipse patterns in your sign are finished. The dust is finally getting ready to settle and you can begin a potent building phase in your life. Making time for your inner world, spirituality and self-inquiry becomes a necessity rather than a luxury now. Carve out time to sleep, dream, write, draw, journal or whatever it is that your soul needs to thrive during such a busy and productive time. You will need this in order to balance your heavy workload.


After enduring a rocky road over the past few years, where you changed your mind about love a thousand times and nearly gave up hope on relationships altogether, you're finally ready to enter a period stability and commitment. The eclipse patterns are no longer turning your relationship realm upside down. You have a better sense of what you want and what you will not put up with in your relationships, which puts you on solid ground.

As much as you love a good game, when it comes to love you want nothing short of the real thing. You're exhausted from the back-and-forth, the push-and-pull, cat-and-mouse games. You've grown up considerably since 2012 and are ready for a meaningful and mature relationship.

Other great news to support this maturation process in love is that Saturn has left your romance department for good (well at least for 28 years). After creating considerable difficulty and challenge in your romantic sector since late 2009, you've learned the hard way not to get involved with the wrong people. Your sometimes naive trust in the goodness in others has been replaced with a sober and sharp mind that carefully weighs the pros and cons of getting involved before giving your heart.

Saturn taught you how important rules and limits are, even in your romantic life. When you draw a sharp line, your partner will respect you. If they cannot accept your limits, they do not deserve you. This has become crystal clear for you now, Gemini. It's as if a huge rock is being lifted from your romantic life and you're finally clear about whether you want to commit or quit. Of course, this doesn't mean you'll be completely free from any doubts of flip-flopping while committed, this is just part and parcel of your dual nature, Gemini. The difference is that you're willing to roll up your sleeves and put in the hard work to make the relationship successful.


You're willing to put in the long hours and tireless effort required to take your career to the next level. You're also loads more focused and disciplined when it comes to daily tasks — thanks to the cosmic taskmaster (Saturn) giving support to your work zone until 2015. You aren't about to throw in the towel just because things get difficult nor will you look for the nearest distraction as you may've been prone to do in the past. The new you will persist against all obstacles to make your dream a concrete and sustainable reality.

Saturn in your work zone is showing you that anything worth having takes hard work, patience and consistent effort. You know the stakes are too high to take the easy way out and throw away all that you've built. Just remember: where there is love, there is no effort. This year's series of life-changing eclipse patterns will rock your work world as the north node hangs out in your work zone for all of 2013.

Expect great speed to replace any previous stagnation with your current projects. In fact, you may find your work moving ahead at such a crazy pace that it's hard for your soul to keep up. Be sure to give yourself plenty of time off to catch your breath so your health doesn't suffer. All work and no play can make Gemini one unhappy camper.

Neptune continues to influence your career zone in 2013, bringing great glamour and prestige to your professional persona. You've been blessed to merge the needs of your soul with your career since 2012, and now you're learning to use the power of smoke and mirrors to your advantage in the most powerful way. Your offering to the world is incredibly healing. People are mesmerized with what you have to offer and you can use the power of your imagination to captivate your chosen audience and target market. All of this leads to greater exposure and possibility.


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