
'If you thought the Orlando shooting was a stand-alone act of gay hatred, you'd be wrong.'

Every single person in Pulse nightclub in Orlando was someone’s child, and they were killed by a combination of hatred, bigotry, and political cowardice.

As news of the massacre broke on Sunday morning, the families of the forty nine victims must have been frantically trying to call their loved ones. Those calls went unanswered. I watched as stories emerged of terrified texts sent to mothers from bloody bathroom stalls. I watched as the names of the victims were released and watched the grief of friends on Facebook as they realised they knew people who’d died. I watched as politicians began to assign blame, pointing the finger at Islam, and ISIS, at the gun lobby.

The scale of the massacre and the assault weapons that facilitated it might be unique to the USA but the homophobia and hate that drove it is not. Whether it’s in the USA or Australia, we are used to being attacked and demonised. The bodies in Orlando were barely even cold when a Family First candidate for the Federal election posted this:

Our own leader Malcolm Turnbull, during his first statement on Orlando did not even mention that the attacked occurred in a gay nightclub.

He later corrected this, and acknowledged that it was an assault on the gay community. But many Republican leaders in the USA have painted Orlando as just a terrorist attack and refused to acknowledge the gay connection. Most expressed “thoughts and prayers” for the victims (has there ever been anything so hollow as hearing a politician who takes money from the National Rifle Association express sympathy for the victims of its avarice?) without even acknowledging that Pulse nightclub was an LGBTI venue.

Donald Trump has been quick to focus on the murderer’s (I’m not going to name him) faith and to use it to back his policy of banning Muslims from entering the United States (even though the murderer was born and bred in America). While homophobia is certainly a major problem in the Muslim world, what made the condemnation from Republicans all the more hollow to the gay community was that in western countries the main source of homophobia and hatred is mainstream politicians and religious groups. Most of them are Christian.

Chad Griffin, the head of the largest gay rights body in the world, the Human Rights Campaign, put it well:

Let’s get one thing clear. And this is what disgusts me most about this whole tragedy. The maniac who did this was somehow conditioned to believe that LGBT people deserve to be massacred. And he wasn’t just hearing these messages from ISIL. He was hearing it from politicians and radical anti­-LGBT extremists here in our own country. Every time we see legislation that puts a target on the back of LGBT people; every time a preacher spews hate from the pulpit; every time a county clerk says that acknowledging our relationships violates her “religious beliefs”—it sends a signal that LGBT people should be treated differently, and worse.

Orlando might be thousands of kilometers from our shores and Australian gun laws might make an attack of this scale less likely, but LGBTI Australians are still, constantly, under siege. In just the last few months we’ve been compared to Nazis, pedophiles, and people who have sex with animals. Those comparisons were made by national religious leaders and elected members of parliament by the way.

There is, right now, in South Australia and Queensland, a law that allows men who murder gay men to claim they were provoked when the victim flirted with them. It’s called the ‘gay panic defence’ and in 2008 it allowed two men who bashed a gay man, Wayne Ruks, to death to have their charges downgraded from murder to manslaughter (those laws should be changed and you can sign a petition calling for just that here).

The reason why there were over three hundred people in that nightclub is because gay people felt safe there. Because we’re not safe in most other places and that’s just as true in most of Australia as it is in Orlando, Florida. Even in a supposedly sophisticated, tolerant place like Melbourne.

Just weeks ago, during White Night, some friends and I were called “faggots” in the middle of the Melbourne CBD, the week before another friend had abuse screamed at him at traffic lights, the week before two gay friends were asked to “stop being so gay” by another patron in a bar. I’ve been threatened on trams, and had friends bashed in public spaces. This stuff happens all the time. It’s most common at schools where enormous numbers of LGTBI kids experience violence and abuse. It’s part of the reason why gay people kill themselves at shockingly high rates.

So we feel for our brothers and sisters in Pulse night club. We know the fear that drove them underground to that safe place where so many of them were slaughtered. We know that the hatred in Australia will only get worse as the plebiscite on our right to marry unleashes a torrent of homophobia and abuse. And we know that religious bigots here, in the USA, and in the Muslim world will continue to use our community as a punching bag for their own political ends, whatever “thoughts and prayers” they offer to the victims of Orlando.

We’ll be strong in the face of it and we’ll stand shoulder to shoulder with members of our community in Orlando and, together, we’ll get through it. But god it hurts.

Top Comments

Susan 8 years ago

Please reconsider your choice of language in this article. Using the word "maniac" to describe the shooter stigmatises those with mental illness.

Even if he does have a mental illness which is not known for sure at this stage, maniac is not a medical term, and should not be used by the media.

It is just as offensive and damaging as using words like faggot etc. It is not OK.

Words of this type promote attitudes of fear and hate towards people with mental illness.

It is fine for Mamamia to take the position that hate against LGBT and Muslisms is wrong, but if you do it in such a way that promotes casual hate against those with mental illness, then you are promoting a grave injustice and not even thinking about what you are doing.

Please read these guidelines for the media and public put out by SANE Australia:


Snorks 8 years ago

Maniac: a person exhibiting extremely wild or violent behaviour
It fits perfectly.

Susie 8 years ago

Are you for real? Now the term maniac should be banned?

Aussie mum 8 years ago

Susan , I hear you. This man was not insane and it unfair for people to say he had a mental illness therefore he committed this crime. This man was in charge of his faculties according to mental health experts. Sadly too many Muslim leaders keep saying these offenders are mentally ill. This unfairly stereotypes mentally ill people as violent which the majority are not. Unless you are having a full blown psychotic episode the media and Muslim leaders need to stop using the term mentally ill to describe behaviour. This was a man who did bad things, he planned it, he prepared, he took all necessary steps to kill people, even planning his escape. That is not the actions of an active mental illness.

Snorks 8 years ago

Maniac doesn't necessarily mean insane.
I would argue that the meaning that doesn't include mental illness is used more.

anon 8 years ago

An ISIL supporter killed a police officer and his wife in France, pretty sure they weren't gay, some religious say it is okay to kill or hate people. That is the elephant in the room. If you look at research an overwhelming majority of Australians are in favour of gay marriage for instance. Many Australians want the Catholics and others to stop being allowed to discriminate against gay people. The only cess pools of hate in Australia against gay people are predominantly coming from very specific religious groups. Not all Christians - not even most - hate gay people so it is unfair to say Christians are just as bad as Muslims.

Hobgoblin 8 years ago

And in the same way, it's not fair to claim that all, or even most, Muslims hate gay people. See how that works?

Masaaki Sakai 8 years ago

Hmmm, except over half of British Muslims think homosexuality should be banned and Britain is a non Islamic, secular nation. I wonder what the numbers are in the 12 nations where homosexuality is a capital crime or in the next 20 where it is a crime that carries a prison term?

Source CNN April 2016