
Sick of guests who RSVP "attending" but then never rock up? Hit them with this.


This is exactly what the ingenious wedding invitation below asks for – a little bit of old school honesty and candour.

Whether you’ve been married or have attended a wedding, I guarantee that you will have seen or be able to identify with most of the scenarios listed. Especially the guy with the questionable food allergy and the re-gifter.

For me though, the invitation does leave off one frank and more realistic option..

  • Will attend
  • Will give Decent Cash Gift
  • Will proceed to drink double the dollar value of my gift.

Go ahead, truthfully play tick a box and post your answers below. What honest tick-box would you add to your own wedding RSVP cards if you could?

Top Comments

Leah 10 years ago

It's one thing to say you'll come to a BYO gathering for no special event where someone has invited half their FB friends list and said there's no need to RSVP, "just come if you can", then not come because something popped up (although you should at least notify the host). It's entirely another to not come to something that is catered and required an RSVP and is for a special occasion (eg. birthday but ESPECIALLY wedding) and especially when you have been PAID for (ie. weddings).

No RSVP at all is rude too. One of my 'best friends' just didn't RSVP for (or come to) my 21st. Another didn't turn up to my wedding because her own engagement had been broken off a few weeks earlier and she was 'too depressed' (although apparently she actually threw up going out to the car so I gave her the benefit of the doubt). I found this out fifteen minutes after the wedding finished. I was at least able to give her place to another friend (who I'd invited to the wedding but not been able to invite to the reception due to numbers). I felt bad but he was very gracious about being on the 'secondary' list!!

Guest 10 years ago

Maybe this couple should have thought about who they're inviting rather than just assuming their guests will ruin their day or not act how they want them to..If i got an invite like this i'd not only choose all the worst options but return it late just to piss them off lol what ungrateful pigs, should just be glad anyone is willing to give up their day to watch THEM tie the knot.