
What’s your First World Problem?

Today is the second anniversary of the Victorian bushfires in which 173 people died and 2229 homes were destroyed. Queenslanders are picking up the pieces of their lives after floods and cyclone Yasi. And West Australians are now battling a serious bushfire crisis. Our thoughts go out to everyone affected.

With so much tragedy on such an enormous scale, I thought it might be an opportune time to do a First World Problems post.

This is where we vent about the little things and take a moment to feel grateful that we even get to complain about them.

I’ll start.

I dropped my iPhone last week. I’d arrived home from doing The Today Show and as I walked into the house, my eldest son greeted me enthusiastically because his toddler brother had just done a poo on the potty and needed some assistance. “Mum! Swap you!” said my teenager and as I went to hand him my phone and keys in exchange for the roll of toilet paper he held in his hand, the transfer went horribly wrong and my phone landed face down (on the floor, not in the potty). Smashed.  I soldiered on for 24hrs with the shattered screen because the phone still worked but I was starting to lacerate my fingers every time I touched the splintered screen so I headed off to the Apple store to replace it (you can replace a busted screen for $129 and a busted phone for $226 – I know this because I had to replace my phone two months ago when said toddler placed it in a glass of water).
Broken iPhone screen = First World Problem.

Now it’s your turn. What’s your First World Problem right now?

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Top Comments

Merfi 13 years ago

I can't figure out how to turn off the alarm on my alarm clock that always goes off at 1.45 am. I don't know why it goes off then either. It's not really a big deal because I'm still on my summer break from uni (and have been since early November), but it's annoying me.

Eva 13 years ago

My pillows weren't right last night and now i'm a little tired.