
PLEASE ENJOY: The 10 most NSFW Elf on the Shelf ideas we've ever seen.


Yes, yes, Christmas is all about kids. But to be honest, that’s a little annoying.

Why shouldn’t adults be allowed to visit Santa, sit on his knee, and ask for whatever they want?

Why is it, when adults try to do that, it ends up as a scene of drunken (and most excellent) debauchery in Bad Moms 2?

Think about it: it’s seen as weird if an adult without kids puts out reindeer food and milk and cookies for Santa. There’s no movies about adults going nuts trying to get the out-of-stock Christmas item they want and then learning that the real meaning of Christmas is food. No one would pay to see that.

Yes, it’s just not fair that the ‘magic of Christmas’ is reserved for kids. But guess what? Elf on the Shelf – where parents put a creepy toy Elf in creative poses around the house to delight kids each morning of December – is not just for kids.

The internet is full of examples of adults taking Elf on the Shelf back in a decidedly non-PG way. With their housemates, their partners, their siblings, their workmates – Elf on the Shelf is getting around – and gettin’ some. As you can see below, people have only been limited by their imagination… and Instagram’s content policies.

Here’s the most badass ideas we’ve seen, that are totally Billy Bob Thornton in Bad Santa, and not remotely Kristen Bell in Bad Moms.

1. Wordplay Elf.

2. Whipped cream Elf.

3. Gang bang Elf.

4. Horror alternative Elf.

5. Office photocopier Elf.

6. Trolling Elf.

7. Bad Santa Elf.

8. Melissa McCarthy in Bridesmaids Elf.

9. Prankster Elf.

10. Political reference Elf.

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