
A doctor has given anti-vax parents the most glorious smack down we've ever seen.

Dr Nelu is a paediatric doctor who is passionate about kids’ health and aims to educate and inform parents about the health of their children.

She says she loves sharing hints and tips that she picks up in her everyday work with her followers.

And a new video, released on her website for OZ Kids shows just where she stands when it comes to vaccinations.

“I’m just going to cut the crap and tell it how it is. The one thing that really pisses me off is parents who choose not to vaccinate their kids,” she says.

The video has been released in an effort to debunk some of the more common reasons she hears for why parents choose not to immunise.

Dr Nelu says she can’t even take her dog to a kennel without proving that he is vaccinated.

“This to me just doesn’t make any sense. My dog is more protected in a kennel than my child is at school.”

“I really don’t understand why we are not getting the message out there,” the doctor adds.

Dr Nelu says she hopes the community can work together to eradicate diseases that are “coming back” and urges parents to immunise their children, for their own good and for the health of the wider community.

For more from Dr Nelu: Check her Facebook and Vimeo pages.

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anonymous 8 years ago

Dear Autism Dad from your name it seems like you probably have a child who suffers from Autism and I cant imagine how challenging that would be, and I understand that for you, what you think is a "preventable" cause of autism (ie vaccinations) should be looked into and potentially stopped.

Putting aside the fact that objective and scientifically sound "non pharma" research has officially debunked the autism and vaccination link. I think that if parents were faced with the choice of having a child who suffers from autism, versus a child experiencing the crippling and potentially deadly effects of polio. Most parents would pick autism.

I worked in very rural and remote regions of Tanzania/Kenya (Africa) accessed via plane, to provide basic medical care (which included providing vaccinations for children). Prior to this vaccination scheme, mothers would knock the two bottom teeth out of their children's mouths, in case they got lock jaw from tetanus and died from starvation (with the childs teeth knocked out the mother could still try and feed her child and potentially keep them alive)

I had women who walked for hours in the hot desert sun, lining up under the shade of one sparse tree for hours, waiting to see our plane land. All for the opportunity to give their child a chance to avoid a life threatening disease. I even had some women trying to over vaccinate their children ahead of schedule because they had seen the powerful positive impact vaccinations had on their communities and keeping their precious children alive.

Now ! Thankfully the people writing on this blog are all privileged enough to live in a first world country, where our children are not at such a high risk of being exposed to these horrendous conditions. But if the vaccination movement continues it will no longer be the case and we will have previously eradicated disease killing our children again.

I have seen a child die in front of my eyes, from whooping cough, and I challenge you Autism Dad to experience something like that either as a parent or as doctor caring for that child. I have no doubt in my mind that you would change your mind about vaccines.

Doctors are taught in medical school from Day 1 to analyse medical literature and studies in an objective and highly critical fashion. We are taught to mistrust big pharma. We care about our patients, we care about people. For the most part we are not in it for the money. We are not lying to you about vaccines. This is not some conspiracy. This is people trying to help people, and prevent children dying !

TwinMamaManly 8 years ago

Beautiful response, we need to hear more voices like yours, particularly on the blogs where people like AutismDad peddle their ill-informed ideology

V 8 years ago

Hey can you tell us why Dr. Oz doesn't vaccinate his children? That would be great to know.

TwinMamaManly 8 years ago

Dr. Oz is an idiot, and peddles whatever he is paid to.