
Extending your lazy Sunday morning, one happy video at a time.

This morning’s good news is brought to you by Moccona.

My Sunday tradition has always been to sit down with a paper, a coffee and a little bit of “me time”.

It seems like the only day of the week I get to a) read an actual paper and b) devour it from beginning to end. I love to scour the paper for longer reads, the ones I get to absorb myself in rather than just cast an eye over and get hung up on all the less than cheery news that generally seems to dominate.

That’s why I’m so excited that we’re bringing you Moccona Mondays – a series of feel-good, happy news stories to help you get your week off to a good start.

We’ve scoured the news to find the most inspiring and uplifting stories to get the week started on a positive, upbeat note.

Stories like:

1. 102-year-old woman goes back in time.

Alice Barker was a dancer in famous New York nightspots such as the Cotton Club in the 1930s and 1040s and was even part of a chorus line that once performed for Frank Sinatra.

The only thing is, she’d never actually seen herself perform. Until now.

With a little help from filmmaker Mark Cantor and some big-hearted volunteers, a video with recently-discovered photographs, memorabilia and film was put together and shown to Barker for the first time.

Barker was elated to watch the remarkable footage in the nursing home where she now lives, and her reaction is priceless.

Watch her reaction here.


2. Baby hears his mother for the first time.

Okay, grab the tissues, because you’re going to need them. Consider this to be fair warning.

Jonathan Breaux was born deaf and had never heard his mother’s (or for that matter, anyone’s) voice until he received a cochlear implant at eight months of age. What is so special about this video is that you get to experience, along with Jonathan’s parents, the very first time he hears his mum’s voice. The joy on his little face will burst your heart and (I’ve warned you) have you grabbing for the tissues.

This video was filmed back in 2008 and as a follow up to the story, I can confirm that Jonathan is doing great, attending school and is now an unabashed “flirt”, chasing the girls all around the playground.

Watch Jonathan’s reaction when his cochlear implant is activated for the first time here:


3. Meet Wally.

Now, I know what you’re thinking – another day, another cute fluffy animal…But this time it’s different, because this time, it’s Wally, the cutest rabbit in all the world. It’s a big claim right?

Wally is an English Angora rabbit and well: Just LOOK at him…

Wally has recently become an internet sensation due to the ridiculous haircut his owners have given him and also, THOSE ears. You can follow Wally on Instagram and play along with his owner’s daily updates, cute commentary and crazy antics. Do it, it’s guaranteed to make your Monday.

The reason English Angora bunnies are so popular as pets is because they often look like a cross between a puppy and a teddy bear and oh yeah, their ears that literally look like angel wings.

With fur softer than cashmere and a playful and cheeky nature, Wally is the kind of pet that isn’t only deserving of his own Internet fame, he may very well just break it.

Where do we get one?


See? I bet you feel better already. And if those three stories don’t get your week off on a good note, nothing will.


Have you heard of any happy news stories lately? Please share!


We believe that mornings should be celebrated. You shouldn’t have to wait for Sunday to give your morning the attention that it deserves. Life is full of special moments, and mornings are especially beautiful if we take the time to savour them. Make your morning moments beautiful with a Moccona

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