real life

Christian submissive wives are now a thing. And look who their spokesperson is.

I love faith. I believe in it, and I fiercely defend a persons right to have it.

I pick and choose the parts of Christianity and Catholicism I like and I try to live by them. I am not sure if there is a God or not. I find those people who completely write religion off as “fairytales” or make-believe as offensive as those who tell my kids they will burn in hell because they were born out of wedlock. If you practice what you believe, find comfort in it, and don’t force it on others, then you and I will get along just fine.

Having written that lengthy disclaimer. Let’s get into this, shall we?

I need you to sing the Full House theme song right now. Do it. “Everywhere you look, everywhere you look, there’s a heart, there’s a heart…” (Note if you are under 30 this will prove difficult so I have popped a video in for your edu-tainment.)

Why have I taken you back to late-’80s-early-’90s sitcom heaven? Well, it seems one of the stars of that show has been quietly making a name for herself as an author, weight loss guru… and champion of Christian submissive wives everywhere.

Good times!

Full House

Candace Cameron-Bure A.K.A. DJ Tanner (remember DJ? Remember the crimped hair, the dimples, and Kimmy Gibbler?) believes that a woman should submit to the will of her husband, even if she disagrees with him, and even if she thinks it is to the detriment of her family. Her husband’s word is law, in all situations.

The oldest Tanner daughter has openly stated that she is a Christian submissive wife, a trait that she attributes to the happiness of her marriage.

You may or may not remember another amazing ’80s sitcom called Growing Pains in which Candace’s older brother, Kirk Cameron, played loveable trouble maker Mike Ceever. (Swoon.)

But what you almost definitely do not know is that Kirk grew up to become a right wing Evangelical Fundamentalist Christian, who condemned same sex marriage on CNN, believes that bananas disprove evolution and publicly compared Charles Darwin to Hitler. (I’m taking my swoon back.)

It would appear Kirk has been involved in helping Candace see the “error” of her ways and she has been reborn as a friendly Evangelical Christian. On her website she thanks her bro for rejuvenating her faith by giving her the apocalyptic Left Behind series and a book called The Way of the Master.

She writes on her website, “I saw that I was a horribly bad person by God’s standards”. Candace wrote a book in 2011 called Reshaping it All which was a faith-based guide to weight loss. Yes you read that correctly, a faith-based guide to weight loss.

It is not as simple as asking the Heavenly Father for a flatter stomach and cranking out 10 Hail Marys instead of 10 sit-ups. In the book Candace offers a biblical perspective to appetite and self control. Basically, if you commit your physical issues to God then you are beholden to him, if you cheat on your diet or exercise regime then you need to answer to God.

Shit Candace, way to take the fun out of a sneaky Snickers after a jog!

It was on the New York Times bestseller list for weeks.

Her new book Balancing it All: My Story of Juggling Priorities and Purpose is a guide to how she goes about balancing all the demands in her life. It has stirred up quite a bit of controversy in the States. In the book, she talks about her big picture priorities, and they are, in this order:

1. God

2. Her husband, who is former professional hockey player Valeri Bure

3. Her children

4. Work.

When discussing the topic of her marriage in her new book, she puts her happy union down to the following:

My husband is a natural-born leader. I quickly learned that I had to find a way of honoring his take-charge personality and not get frustrated about his desire to have the final decision on just about everything. I am not a passive person, but I chose to fall into a more submissive role in our relationship because I wanted to do everything in my power to make my marriage and family work.

I mean sure, I bet her husband is bloody stoked! Who wouldn’t be? ‘Hey babe, are you cool if we always do what I want and I am always right and you will always be agreeable to that? You are? SWEET!’ How much easier would YOUR relationship be if your word was law and no-one ever argued with you? *Stares wistfully off into the distance*

She then goes on to say, “The definition that I’m using with the word submissive is the biblical definition of that… I love that my man is a leader. I want him to lead and be the head of our family. And those major decisions do fall on him.”

The biblical definition she is referring to is the one where Paul said in the New Testament: “Wives, be subject to your husbands as you are to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife just as Christ is the head of the church, the body of which he is the Savior. Just as the church is subject to Christ, so also wives ought to be, in everything, to their husbands.” (Ephesians 5: 22-24)

That would have been how things were at the time. Fast forward a few thousand years and those words are a little out of touch, no?

Even the most devout Bible-lover would agree that some of the things that were written in the context of the times – where it was acceptable to knock back a bloke with a broken wang and rotten plums from the church* – ain’t gonna work now.

In the context of speaking about what God wants, surely he wants a woman to be at her best, brightest and most excellent at all times? He would want her to honour herself in situations of conflict and endurance? That is certainly what I have taken out of religion when I have involved myself with it.

Candace is right on one front: in any relationship submission will need to happen, at some stage, from both partners. In the end you are both submitting to the marriage/relationship, aren’t you? But there is a very distinct difference between mutual submission and demanded submission.

No relationship, faith-infused or otherwise, can flourish and grow if one of the participants is not valued as equally as the other. Because that is what Candace’s husband is saying: ‘my opinion and desires are more heavily weighted than yours’.

‘I am more important than you.’

That isn’t a partnership, that is a dictatorship.

I watched countless videos of Candace before writing this piece, I have to say – I really like her. She is engaging, funny, intelligent, charismatic, respectful and joyful.

I admire her commitment to her faith, I just wholeheartedly and with every fibre of my being disagree with her on this particular topic. If this type of approach works for Candace and Valeri then I applaud them and respect their right to live that way, however to say that this is what God wants for every couple is a little questionable.

The God business aside; to infer that a woman needs to shrink and yield to her husband in order for him to happily rule is, in my opinion, a catastrophically flawed concept.

Now if you’ll excuse me I am off to make sure none of the cast members of The Wonder Years, Family Ties or Alf are making any outrageous statements. I just couldn’t handle anymore disappointment on this particular front.

* Deuteronomy 23:1: “He that is wounded in the stones, or hath his privy member cut off, shall not enter into the congregation of the Lord.” Yep, they called testicles “stones” even back then! If thou have rotten junk thou shalt not enter the Church y’all.

So, let’s talk about submissive wives. Legitimate marriage strategy or a recipe for disaster?

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Top Comments

ipiink 10 years ago

There have been several conversations lately about a wife’s place- if a woman should teach men and many others long this thinking.

I speak for only myself yet I believe as a wife it is not my place to teach my husband. Marring him placed him at the head of our household. He is to be taught by God- it is my husbands responsibility to a line himself with what God tells and shows him. It is my place as a wife to trust my husband. To pray for my husband. To come along side and encourage him. To give him the love and respect that he needs each day.

Allowing him the peace and strength to walk in the ways he sees fit. It is not my place to teach my husband how to lead our household. My job is not to lead him or direct him. My job is not to question and mistrust him. It is my place to make my feelings known- yes. To trust that he will take my feelings into his thinking when making decisions for our household. To communicate is not to lead or teach- it is to be an active member of our home.

As a wife I would be doing him a disservice if I did not take an active role in our home. Yet at the end of each day I must trust him and God that all decisions are being made in a line with what is best for everyone.

As a wife it is my place to teach my children to trust-love and respect their father and God. To teach them that being an active member of our family is necessary yet knowing their father has what is best for all of us in mind in every choice he makes.

When I was in high school my mom would take me to a ladies bible study. There was a younger woman getting married. So naturally the conversation was about her up coming wedding and life as a wife. She asked an older woman who we all knew had been married longer then most of had been alive how she has made her marriage so blessed and happy. She responded “I found my place. My place was not over my husband- it was not under his feet. It was next to him. Praying for him. Kneeling everyday before God to help my husband be the best man he could be. And also being on my knees kept me from getting hit by the two by four God would swing at my husband.” We all laughed. She was being honest and heartfelt. She knew that God would teach her husband the lessons He saw fit.

With all this said as wives we have an important place. We have a unique job in our homes. We hold a powerful role in our husbands lives- we are the givers of life to our family. We nurture and tend to all the things in our home that keeps it running as best as it can. Growing into a submitted wife is not an overnight task- it is a lifetime of goals and dreams. Of conversations and memories. As a wife my goal is to make my home as happy-peaceful and full of love that I can. My home is my trademark-it is my legacy. Loving my husband enough to give him that place each day. Loving my children enough to give them a home of safety and love.

Kittyus 10 years ago

The problem is that people think you need to be one way or another. Your either totally submissive or some bra burning feminist who demands everything and belittles her husband. A marriage is a partnership, a two way street if you will. If you work together and have a mutual respect for each other then your going to have a great marriage! One person calling all the shots is a dictatorship and as history has taught us with dictatorship is that it doesn't work! Someone is going to rebel! It's the same in a marriage if there is only one person making any and all decisions someone is going to crack either the husband, wife or the children. That's why even the president has a vice president and Advisers because nobody can take everything all the time. And being a "Yes" women all the time is going to instill absolute power into a man and he's going to abuse that power sooner or later. It's going to rear it's ugly head into some form of abuse or another. Mutual respect and admiration can come from both spouses without total submission and make a happy marriage!