
Why in the world would a man cheat on someone like Beyonce?

Beyonce’s latest album has the world talking about cheating.

The visual album Lemonade, which dropped over the weekend, contains a slew of lyrics that are speculated to refer to the wandering eye and cheating behaviour of her husband of eight years Jay Z. For example:

‘You can taste the dishonesty/It’s all over your breath as you pass it off so cavalier’

‘He only want me when I’m not there/He better call Becky with the good hair’

Regardless if the speculation around Jay Z is true, Beyonce is putting a powerful voice to the hurt and anguish of cheated partners the world over. She’s reclaiming the power in a situation where the world might traditionally see her as a victim or a ‘woman scorned’.

But this begs the question. For a couple that seemingly ‘had it all’, why did Jay Z feel the need to cheat? Was it as simple as ‘just because he could’? He is, after all, a mega artist and huge influencer in his own right? Or was it something to do with the relationship between him and the ‘Queen’ herself?

Just as no two relationships are the same, and each person’s experience will be different, there are countless reasons  for cheating. Well, there are countless reasons people say they cheat.

We often hear stories about cheating from the person who has been “wronged”. It’s rare a cheater will tell their side of the story.

Life is never black and white, so we decided to get the cheater’s side of the story.


Some say they have a reason.


There comes a time when you stop trying. I was always trying and none of it felt good enough. I would organise great holidays (and pay) and she would come like a passenger. I would organise to go out to dinners or go out with friends and it always felt like she was doing me a favour. She didn’t even want to introduce me to her parents and we had been together for a year and a half. I started to feel like a big fool. Then I went out one night. She sent a text half an hour after she was meant to meet me and said she couldn’t make it. There was a friend of a friend I met that night and she was really lovely and we ended up going back to her place and having sex. It’s happened a few times now. I’m going to break up with her. – Mark.


Others say they have no clue why (maybe they were born cheaters?).


Some do it to exit the relationship.

We weren’t getting on for a long time but every time we talked honestly about breaking up we would find some small reason to get back together – and I mean small. Like someone had a wedding coming up and it would be uncomfortable for people to be around us if we were no longer going out. Or we had expensive tickets to something or how would we divide the car we had bought together. So then I slept with her friend. That ended it. – Jack

He did it to get out of the relationship we were in because we were broken and I was in denial. – Samantha added.


Certainly, the army of ‘Bayhive’ fans who have rallied in support and anger alongside Beyonce are not alone in their hurt. Cheating is crushing for the person who’s been cheated on, no matter the situation or the reasons for it. The idea that your partner is receiving pleasure or fulfilment from another can be torturous and seemingly unfair, no matter the circumstances leading to it.

But the situation is never cut and dried.

Cheating might be a ‘symptom’ as opposed to a cause, and there might be a whole world of reasons why one partner is not receiving what they need in a any relationship – no matter how perfect or Jay Z / Beyonce it may seem.

The Mamamia Staff share the moment that they knew their relationship was done. Post continues after video.

Definitely, communication is key in protecting a relationship against cheating. If one parter is not fulfilled within a relationship, the bravery and honesty required to address this feeling can help strengthen the relationship and bring both parties to the same page. Maybe this conversation will prevent cheating, maybe it will act as a warning for what’s to come. Either way, by openly talking about each other’s insecurities in the relationship, the connection between the couple is given at least a chance.

I now find it so difficult to imagine cheating, if things began to feel broken I would do everything in my power to try and mend it. – Joanne said.


*Names have been changed by Broadly. 

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Top Comments

Anon 8 years ago

I have no idea what her lyrics are about but if they are about her marriage then I don't understand how singing about a spouse being unfaithful is a way of getting your power back. If a friend comes to me and tells me her husband is unfaithful I don't feel age is empowering herself by expressing this I just think she is telling me about a problem in her life.

If he is being unfaithful I don't really grasp why she would stay with him because he doesn't come over as being so nice or interesting in interviews, his music is terrible, it's not just that it's sexist it's also just crass and talentless, and he's not exactly great looking either. I realise he may be different behind the scenes but I can't grasp what she would see in him.
Im not actually a fan of her music so much but I can appreciate that she has a great voice and is an amazing dancer. She seems quite nice in interviews too.

I suppose I shouldn't make assumptions about people I don't know but I get a real Ike and Tina Turner vibe off them. I feel like age could really blossom into a classy singer if she got rid of him. Because some of her music is just really crass, which is a pity because I feel she has real talent but he has packaged her up to act like his "ho". There is nothing wrong with a sexy song but I just feel some of her songs venture into skank territory. But when you see her being interviewed she is naturally quite classy. I think getting older will actually be a good thing for her because she can tap more into that natural elegance she has, and yeah still have some sexy songs and sexy moves but just be a bit more classy. As I say I'm not a big fan of hers because I think her music is a bit too crass, but I can see that she works very hard because her dance routines are very hard to do. I really would like to see her tap more into her natural talent a bit more and not just go for the cheap nasty exposure. I feel like a guy who has a bit mor respect for women, which his songs indicate he does not, would help her blossom into a more mature classy performer, and not some sideshow skank.

Aly 8 years ago

It's pretty simple to answer; money and power. Beyonce has a strange preoccupation with appearing to be perfect and flawless. She has built an empire with Jay Z. If it came crumbling down, it could harm her constructed image, social status, finances. It's all fake and isn't real, which is why it's difficult for a normal person to understand. Very sad and pathetic.

Guest 8 years ago

I have an issue with "Why in the world would a man cheat on someone like Beyoncé?" She is an awesome public figure. However, that is not necessarily going to translate to her being an equally awesome romantic partner. Cheating aside, they may have had relationship problems just like any couple. That statement implies she is the perfect trophy and no man could hope to do better.