


Get ready for the deepest structural changes of your life – ever. You're becoming the master at tearing down the old and rebuilding from scratch, and yet you may be amazed to discover there is indeed another, much deeper layer to uncover. Just when you thought your world could not possibly survive yet more gutting, along comes the mutual reception between Saturn and Pluto directly impacting your sign.

Pluto rules irreversible, you-are-never-going-back change, while Saturn (your planetary ruler) is all about death, rebirth and total transformation. You get the gist: nothing will ever be the same, so close your eyes, take a deep breath and let go. On the other side of the wrecking ball is a beautiful life in total alignment with your true value system making the necessary sacrifices more than worth it. You have nothing to fear, because all of the changes will pave the way to such profound improvement, you'll look back and wonder why you ever held on to such a sham of a world in the first place.

Your daily life – work, health and overall wellbeing – will get an extra boost from Jupiter during the first half of the year. This means you can kick it up a notch by taking such good care of yourself that you'll have more energy than the gods! This is also an excellent time for getting your daily regimen working like a well-oiled machine. Eating right, getting enough sleep and making time for regular exercise are all essential in 2013. The second half of the year brings the luck of Jupiter to your relationship and social zone. No longer shall you be tired or lonely. Your love life and social world will be dripping in goodness and abundance.

Don't expect much solitude in 2013. Your social world is about to blow up – as is your love life. The eclipse points will be activating your love and social sectors, assuring that you'll have very little, if any, time or space to feel isolated. Friends and lovers will be flocking to you like a magnet. The only problem is that you may feel like you're neglecting your career responsibilities, but how can you turn down all the fun? All work and no play makes Capricorn a dull Goat! It's rare that you have so many invites hitting you simultaneously – enjoy!


2013 is the year of deep and unfathomable commitment for you, Capricorn. You're getting ready to take a serious plunge into the deep and sexy waters of Scorpio. Your ruler is taking long-term residence in the mysterious constellation of Scorpio and forming a powerful mutual reception with Scorpio's ruler Pluto (in your constellation).

This makes for one of the most potent planetary combos working to tear things down and build you back up stronger and fiercer than ever before. This applies directly to your love life, as you seek a partner who's willing to go to hell and back with you. You'll no longer be satisfied with superficial connections or commitments that only meet you part of the way. It's all-or-nothing-at-all in 2013. The stakes are sky high – as they should be. You deserve nothing less than that.

Jupiter moves into your partnership zone this June, bringing amazing opportunities and expansion to your love life. If you're already hitched, you can expect a serious renaissance filled with travel, shared wisdom and more joy than you've experienced in years. If you're a single Goat, you can look forward to finally attracting the mate of your wildest dreams. Jupiter brings the best-of-the-best (and in large quantities!), so you're likely to attract someone very generous and extravagant in their desire to nurture you. How fabulous is that?

The long-term presence of Pluto in your constellation continues to amplify your inherent magnetism. Add to this the fact that Saturn and Pluto are swapping and intensifying each other's power and you'll understand why you feel turbo-charged most of the year. Others simply cannot resist the charge you carry now. Pluto's ability to penetrate to the root of peoples' motivations serves you well in sorting the keepers from the losers. You can absolutely trust your gut reaction when you first meet new acquaintances. You're only in danger should you second-guess yourself. Know your power, Capricorn. Trust it, use it and live it.


Your planetary ruler is setting up camp in the fixed and deep waters of Scorpio in 2013, making a powerful mutual reception with Pluto in Capricorn. This translates as a fierce determination to get what you want. There is no question that you will have the resources to make it happen this year, Capricorn. It's all about intention, commitment and perseverance. You'll only find satisfaction in the depths, so cut out all unnecessary distractions.

You'll get by with a whole lot of help of your friends this year. Saturn brings power to your social world, so be sure to work your vast network of connections. Heaven knows you go out of your way to be there for others. Consider this is payback time!

You'll have the amazing fortune of Jupiter gracing your work zone for the first half of the year, making sure that you have more projects on your plate than you even know what to do with. You'll be busy straight through to summer, so budget your precious time wisely. Workaholism is not a disease you want to adopt just because you're good at it.

Responsibility is most definitely your bag, baby, but that doesn't mean you should run yourself ragged and neglect your own needs in the name of duty. The balance may not be possible until after June, but if you make a concerted effort to take good care of yourself, you can have it all.

The eclipse energies of 2013 make a strong impact in your sector of long-term goals (especially in the spring). You can now expect some serious fast-forward motion with your most important projects and objectives. Instead of wondering when and if it will happen, you'll be utterly amazed at how it all gets propelled forward at lightning speed. The question is, can you keep up with the pace? What happens once you start quickly crossing everything off of your list? What next? You'll simply have to create a whole new-and-improved list for 2014!


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