
It's official: Expensive wine is for suckers.


Goon drinkers rejoice!

It’s official – that $4 bottle of wine tastes just as good as a fancy-pants $100 drop.

The good people at Vox have conducted a little social experiment (backed up with a lot of credible evidence) exploring the responses of people who blind tasted three different wines of differing “qualities” and price.

And the results are a big egg on the faces of anyone who ever sneered when you brought a goon sack to dinner.


The participants actually rated the cheapest bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon THE SAME as the most expensive one.

This is consistent with a 2008 study on 6,000 blind tastings that found that unless a person had undergone extensive wine tasting training, the majority of people actually prefer the taste of cheaper wines.

In fact, studies have even found that when professional wine judges were given the same plonk to try on 10 different occasions, they gave it totally different scores each time.

Other research shows that when participants of a study were told they were drinking expensive vintages, they tended to rate it better and vice versa with the cheap stuff.

So the next time some dodgy dude tries to swirl his vino and make up some “impressive” wine knowledge, just lay this truth bomb on ‘im.

Want more? You might like these:

How to: Open a wine bottle without a corkscrew.

Oh thank God, someone finally invented wine for cats.

This is the best excuse ever to drink wine. All of the wine.



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Top Comments


Australia is lucky in that for ten dollars or so you can get a reasonable drop Aldi has some good ones too

director 9 years ago

what a load of rubbish - I have tried plenty of wines - I can't find in them what a lot of critics can but I can easily taste the difference between most cheap and expensive wines - the only decent cheap wine sI have ever found are cleanskins a winery wants to get rid of. By the way due to finances I only drink wine worth less than 15 a bottle nowadays - I miss not being able to afford the $22 $30 bottle wines which were previously my bracket - The thing is the more you drink the better your palette - Its like I like $5 bottle of champagne but hate the $100 bottles- for the champagne drinker they know the difference

craigvn 9 years ago

Look up confirmation bias.

rebecca 9 years ago

Darenberg, Coriole, wirra wirra and Noons ( if you can get your hands ona bottle) all do great wines for under $20.

random dude 9 years ago

I did look it up and almost everyone agreed with me ;o)