
Getting ready in the morning? You're doing it wrong.





Pop quiz time: what’s the most important meal of the day?

If you answered with “lunch”, sorry – you are out. Do not pass Go, do not collect $200.

If you answered with “dinner because it’s an acceptable time to also have several glasses of wine and also dessert after dinner” – you are a woman after my own heart, but sadly you are also wrong.

If you answered with “breakfast! Everyone knows that!”, then – bing bing bing! – you win! You win a car. All of you. And also a fancy blender and a year’s worth of shoes.

Okay, you got me. There’s no car, no blender, no shoes. I’m not Oprah.

Just as an FYI, you should know that this post is sponsored by belVita. But all opinions expressed by the author are 100 per cent authentic and written in their own words.

But rest assured in the knowledge that you’re completely right about breakfast. Of all the meals you could possibly consume in a day, including morning tea, afternoon tea, midnight tea and associated snacks, breakfast is the most vital for kicking off your day in the right way.

This is because it literally does what it says on the label – it breaks the overnight fasting period, which restocks your glucose supply and also provides a whole lot of other nutrients that keep your energy levels up throughout the day. Having more energy means you’re less tempted to snack on high-sugar and high-energy foods throughout the day, and less likely to put on weight as a result of eating those snacks.

Extensive research around the world has shown that skipping breakfast affects both kids and adults; kids who skip their brekkie may lack fibre, vitamins and minerals, including iron, calcium, zinc and vitamin B2. They also suffer from a diminished mental performance and more fatigue.

As for adults? All of the above, as well as the fact that you’re much more likely to have a nutritious diet and better eating habits when you incorporate breakfast into your day. This is, of course, when you’re eating a balanced breakfast, which can include carbs for energy, dairy for calcium, fruit for vitamins and of course a tea or coffee; not when you’re scoffing doughnuts from the servo at 8am.

But of course, you all knew all of the above already.

So why are you still skipping breakfast?

That’s right. I know at least half of you are. A total 53 per cent of Australians are completely looking over their breakfast options, skipping the meal entirely in favour of going right to morning tea.

And admittedly, I am one of those Australians. It’s a rare day that I manage to have any breakfast at all before leaving the house. I usually just hang out until mid-morning and have a few crackers with peanut butter, or just wait until lunch.

There are a few reasons for it. I’m not a morning person, so often can’t face eating until I wake up properly, which can take anywhere from 10 minutes to two hours. I don’t really like most breakfast foods (eggs, bacon, pastries and most cereals are all on my not-a-fan list). I do like toast. But I also barely leave myself enough time in the mornings to actually prepare, sit down and eat the toast.

When it comes to choosing between toast and a sleep-in, I pick sleep. Every time.

And the rest of you have similar reasons. You’re stressed out in the mornings, so you don’t have time to spare to eat brekkie. Or you’re only keen on a coffee and can’t even face a food item until much later in the day. Or you can never remember to grab breakfast food or milk so you just don’t bother eating anything.

I sympathise. I do. But after reading the above findings, I’ve decided that we all need to change our ways. Start getting up earlier, preparing ourselves better and embracing the deliciousness that breakfast can be.

Your health will thank you for it. Promise.

And here is a gallery of all the tasty breakfasts you can enjoy:


What is your favourite thing to have for breakfast in the morning?


With increasingly busy lives, it is more important than ever to begin your day with a balanced breakfast.

Tasty, convenient and wholesome, belVita Breakfast biscuits are made with five wholegrain cereals, and are a source of fibre and low-GI.

A 50g packet of belVita, combined with a serving of fruit and low-fat dairy, provides you with 4hrs of sustained energy…enough for the whole morning!


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Top Comments

Kate @ One Small Life 10 years ago

cannot leave the house without breakfast. just. can. not.

Meatball 10 years ago

Overnight oats are a great solution to those who don't have the time or energy for blending smoothies, cooking eggs, or flipping freaking buckwheat pancakes.

1 part rolled oats, 2 parts liquid (milk or yoghurt), chuck in whatever else you like - chia seeds, banana, berries, cacao, coconut, honey, cinnamon, coffee, peanut butter, etc. Stir it all up, whack it in the fridge overnight, next morning - bam! Instant breakfast.