
Best and worst of the week.







by MELISSA WELLHAM, (Mamamia intern)

It’s that time of the week again. Make yourself a cuppa, and then we’ll sit in a circle, hold hands, and share the best and worst of our week. Maybe we should even sing kumbayah? Then again, let’s not. I have a terrible singing voice.

I’ll get us started…

BEST: This was definitely one of those ‘appreciating the little things in life’ kind of weeks. Things like drinking too much red wine and dancing around my best friend’s bedroom. Like indulging in decadent brunches. Like watching amateur theatre, and finding the actors to be anything but amateur. Like working in a bookshop that holds poetry readings, and having a friend bring me laksa for dinner because I couldn’t leave in the middle of my shift.

Also, I greatly enjoyed mentally planning my Halloween costume for the end of this month. I’m thinking about swapping my usual outfit of something truly monstrous, for something a little more stylish like Jessica Rabbit. What about you?

WORST: The worst (aside from the very serious problems that usually plague my life like, you know, having to wait too long for YouTube videos to download and such) was reading this piece on Mamamia about two babies who were switched at birth, and the difficult decision their mothers had to make when this was discovered.  It really put into perspective the things I usually complain about, like leaving essays until the last minute – which is my own fault, anyway.

Here’s what else has been happening around the Mamamia office and on social media this week…

Melissa is an intern with Mamamia, and the kind of person who often wears leopard print with sequins. She blogs at Melicious and tweets at @melissawellham.

Now over to you lovely people – how was your week?

Top Comments

Natjz 12 years ago

Best my gp is happy with mr 4 week olds weight but back next week
Miss 5 is so excited about her dance concerts in 4 weeks dancing around the house
Worst having too take baby zac for more check ups his eye is not clearing up and now he has a umbilical hernia too. ( becoming very over protective now)
Also miss 5 got a spider bite so off too the doctors for her and they weighed her. She is very underweight for 5 gp not overly concerned yet but looking at photos of the last 18 months. She has really slimed down. So keeping a close eye on her i think

SweetPea 12 years ago

Best: My gorgeous toddler son, what a delight.

Worst: relationship with husband has deteriorated so much this past year. He is selfish and bullying. When I say we need to talk he tells me viciously to shut up. Which I do because he is wearing me down and I'm tired. I had to go to hospital recently and was in from lunch time to midnight. During that time my husband did not feed or hydrate our toddler. Fed himself though. He is so neglectful. When we got home toddler woke up hungry and I was up cooking him some pasta and veg at 1 in the morning sick as I could be, whilst husband watched re-runs of Jackass on 7two. This is what stops me leaving him. The fact that this asshat would have 50% custody. He looks so good to the outside world, high paying job, friendly, caring parent etc. It's so scary to
me how different someone can be behind closed doors.

Guest 12 years ago

Hi SweetPea. I'm sorry your husband is this way. If you are thinking of leavng him, can you record this behaviour, and perhaps discuss it now with someone who coud back you up in court if need be? It is quite scary to read this post and think someone who could neglect a child to that extent could have custody. Perhaps discuss it with a doctor or child health nurse? I'm not sure what they could do, but it would be good if someone had ths kind of behaviour on file. I hope you are OK.

Anonymous 12 years ago

Hi SweetPea. I'm sorry your husband is this way. If you are thinking of leavng him, can you record this behaviour, and perhaps discuss it now with someone who coud back you up in court if need be? It is quite scary to read this post and think someone who could neglect a child to that extent could have custody. Perhaps discuss it with a doctor or child health nurse? I'm not sure what they could do, but it would be good if someone had ths kind of behaviour on file. I hope you are OK.