
Best and worst of the week

Welcome to another round of best and worst.

On the news front, we’ve looked at the carbon tax announcement and broken it down for you in an easy to read cheat sheet.

We also looked at new social media platform Google plus, discussed why cleaner energy is needed for kids and if lesbian sex advertising is the new normal.

We asked whether kids should be afraid of strangers, talked about feminism throughout history and calling things unAustralian.

We shared what’s in our man drawers as well as our birth stories, our slow cooker recipes and which characters we’d be friends with if they were real.

We also read a beautiful love story, talked about how children affect our career, discrimination, and you can catch up on the behind the scenes of MMHQ here.

Lady Gaga was in town and we looked at 50 of her most outlandish outfits, and had a bit of a chuckle at celebrities wearing jumpsuits.

Finally, we saw some great videos this week, including one of Noni Hazelhurst reading ‘Go the fuck to sleep’, explaining facts of gay life to your kids, and an interview with Octomum.

Onto best and worst.. I’ll start.

Best: My husband is back home after being away for over a month. I forgot how nice it is to have someone around to do things for you, so you can remain lying on the couch like a big pregnant whale. Heaven.

Worst: I keep getting sick! I’ve only just got over a bad cough, which lasted for about five weeks to now come down with a head cold. Grrr I absolutely hate being sick, I’m blaming public transport and questioning the effectiveness of hand sanitiser.

What were your best and worst bits of the week?





Top Comments

Anonymous 13 years ago

omg I made toast with smiley faces this week!!!

doomed 13 years ago

I just need to write this somewhere as I have noone I could possibly tell this. And I need to do this announimously... Hopefully noone will read this. I'm so embarrassed and ashamed.
A bit of a pre-story. I've met a man, dated for a few months, fell pregnant by a freak accident, and so he dumped me, got scared. Before baby was born he reappeared, and as things went by we got back together. He told me he loves me, and he does love our daughter to pieces, that is unquestionable... We live together as a family, he still tells me he loves me. But our sex life is bad, really bad. I feel rejected every night as he's always tired and goes to sleep without as much as touching me. We're having fights about that regularly but to no avail. Yesterday I broke all my rules and logged into his facebook account. He's been dating multiple women the same time we made our daughter, continued on dating them while I was pregnant and alone. And after my daughter was born he told them all that she didn't ask to be born so him being a good person he is, decided to be there for her. Even after we got back together- steamy, passionately- he continued telling them that our relationship is complicated, we're barely together, "together for now", and he's only there for our daughter. Chatting them up, telling them how he misses them, how sexy they are... I haven't slept the night, so I do apologise if my banter doesn't make sense. I just need to get it off my chest. I don't know what to do. I can't dump him because of our daughter. I'm scared of being a single mother i've been preparing to be all my pregnancy. I just can't do it. The nights he's away are torture, I don't know what to do with myself. But those aweful things he said to those women. The lies. The disrespect. How can he tell me he loves me and then go on and say these things to his ex girlfriends?
I also read a conversation between him and his friend who is a father of 3 children, and who is having an affair right now. My partner is giving him advice on how to manage it, telling him to have two phones like he did at some point- his words! And the next message to his friend's wife consoling her and telling her that she doesn't deserve to be treated like that and he'll speak to his friend. Aweful, dirty, disgusting...
I feel trapped. Bad sex, emails to ex girlfriends, no passion in our relationship, taking me for granted every day, generally being a rotten person.. I'm in a very dark place. I want to have an affair to get back at him. But I could never do it, I'm loyal to the core. My daughter is 13 months old. And I feel like my life's coming to an end.
I know if I asked for advice I'd be told to leave him. That's why I'm not going to. I can't leave him. I need advice on how to deal with this. And save my dignity. Whatever's left of it. But nevermind, hope noone gets to see this message and it'll die quietly in cyberspace. I just needed to talk.

dhe 13 years ago

Well you don't want to be told to leave him, so I'm not going to say it, just think it REALLY loudly.

But would you consider seeing a counsellor? It sounds like you could do with someone to talk things through with.

In time, it will all work out. But please remember that there are much worse things than being a single mother.

PK - Australian Expat in CH 13 years ago

I agree that you should speak to someone about this. See your local GP first who can refer you to a counseling service.

It may help you realise that you have more courage than you think.

*Hugs* to you.

Sometimes life is unfair. I am so so sorry that you are involved with someone who is not treating you right.

ozinuk 13 years ago

this place is a good place to talk.

what's meant for you won't go past you. x

dear doomed 13 years ago

I am so sorry that you had to endure reading his flirtations with other women. This is truly tragic. Wishing you peace, wisdom, and complete healing in every aspect. - gg