
Best and worst of the week

We’ve hit the end of another week and you know what that means – it’s time to share our best and worst moments. So grab a cup of tea, sit back and relax as we go through the week that’s been.

On the news front, we’ve looked at the one-year anniversary of Julia becoming our PM and the climate change debate.

We discussed girls and bullying, the phenomenal SBS documentary Go Back to Where you Came From and whether ‘fat’ is the right word to say to kids.

We chatted about what we’re putting off doing, whether jeans or sex is more exciting and what we’re currently loving on TV.

Speaking of TV, we got a great insight into what being on a reality TV show is really like. We also shared our first world problems and looked at the latest fashion epidemic.

We all contributed our advice on making new friends and what not to say to someone who’s terminally ill, and we cried over this exquisitely written post about a rescue dog.

Looking for our daily news bites? You can catch up on all of them if you’ve missed any during the week – here’s Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. And if you’d like to see what Mia and the rest of the team have been up to, you can check out our open post of the week here.

Finally, we watched some great videos this week – how to do CPR, the vagina song and what we’d do to change the world. And to grab some style inspiration, we flicked through a gallery of our new favourite actress, Rose Byrne.

Now – onto the best and worst bits of the week. I’ll kick it off.

Best: I got my hair cut for the first time in ages. The haircut was originally going to be a worst because the hairdresser used something that very closely resembled a razor blade to hack away at my fringe. And considering he’d only said about four words to me during the entire cut (“You have long hair”) it was kind of terrifying. But it looks good and I suppose all’s well that ends well.

Worst: I am supposed to go to New Zealand in a few weeks for a little skiing holiday and there is currently no snow on the mountains over there. Not a speck. I know there is still a lot to do even if there’s no snow but I want to ski. (Insert childish tantrum here.)

Over to you – how was your week?

And while you ponder that, why not flick through the pictures we’ve been talking about this week…

Top Comments

Sandra 13 years ago

Best for the week is knowing that i have great friends and wonderful bosses who care about me.

Worst for the week was beigh told I have type 2 Diabetes

sparkle 13 years ago

A very emotional week....

Best: I am one week away from finishing my Uni course

Worst: My beloved twin may need a lung transplant. She is only in her early 30's but has to live like an old person due to her mystery lung disorder.

OMM: How to be strong for her when I feel like I am breaking down at the thought of losing her

Lil 13 years ago

Hello Sparkle

Thinking of you at this horrible time and sending you strength and courage. My close friend has undergone one double lung transplant and when that failed a single transplant. His will to live and tireless courage is an inspiration. Recently we celebrated his 40th birthday. He has survived against the odds for more than 15 years since his first transplant.

Be strong and supportive of your twin. Wishing you both lots of love and hugs at this challenging time.

Love Lil