
The best and worst of the week

Like Sandra Bullock did to that bus in Speed, I have commandeered the post this week to share some big news.

I’m pregnant! With anticipation. I mentioned it in my open letter to the Prime Minister here, but at the risk of sounding like a slightly husky broken record (I’ve had a cold) I wanted to remind Sydney-siders about the marriage equality march tomorrow. I have absolutely no vested interest in plugging it here except, you know, it might be one of the biggest days in Australia’s history and, if we play our cards right, one of the biggest peaceful rallies we’ve held and it might change the futures of an entire group of people who have so far not enjoyed full equality in this country.

So, not a big deal at all. *Nods head up and down*

It’s my BEST because already this week it has been SO ridiculously lovely to see people across the country – straight and gay – who actually get why marriage equality is a big deal. It’s like being stuck in a big, national group hug. I’m not normally a hugger (ask anyone in the office) but I like metaphorical hugs. Where only our minds touch. Woohoo.

Lucy and I are spending a few hours today with a glass (or eight) of wine engaged in a Crafternoon of sorts as we make signs. There will probably be glitter and giant markers involved but beyond that we’ve not settled on any slogans. Feel free to suggest any below!

So, if you are not bedridden with Polio and believe in the cause, join us. I’ll be wearing a Liberace jacket in the colour of the rainbow. Here’s what you need to know:

WHEN: 12pm

WHERE: Hyde Park North (Sydney) by the water fountain

WHAT: We’ll march in our thousands to the Labor National Conference at Darling Harbour

Worst: I’m going to cheat a little bit and refer you all to last week which I spent at home from Tuesday being all sick and stuff. I developed a crippling case of Cabin Fever and may or may not have held an extended conversation with a wall unit about the nature of free will. (The wall unit raised some valid points but then I was all like … you’re a wall unit). The drugs may also have contributed to this.

It was supremely nice to come back into the office this week, by contrast. I might publicly maintain that the people I work with are variously bonkers, strange and terrifyingly odd but then, so am I, and it was nice to be back with my people.

So, over to you, how’s your week been? The ups, the downs, the sideways … tell the Mamamia community. We’re pretty good listeners. And responders!

And THIS video has amused me greatly this week. Fashion predictions for the year 2000 … made in the 1930s. My favourite, the ‘electric belt’ to acclimatise the body and ‘one designer was even so bold as to suggest the skirt would disappear altogether’. Ooooh, edgy!

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Top Comments

Polly 12 years ago

Best: back home for the weekend after a week travelling with work. Enjoying the chance to potter round the house and catch up on chores and cooking
Worst: just can't catch a break at work - need some clear space to catch up and maybe get some planning done but it's frantic and my boss keeps dropping new work on my lap - she's driving me crazy!
OMM: marriage equality, wheat prices, Christmas shopping and work, work, work

YoungVintage 12 years ago

Best: Totally superficial, but whatevs - my skin is the best it has been since being on the pill a few years ago (stopped taking it because I hated that my skin was only clear because of a tablet I was taking each day...). I've always had oily skin that breaks out easily - but since cutting sugar close to a couple of months ago, it's been fantastic. No oilyness, no breakouts, not dry... It's great! I've always eaten well, drank a lot of water and followed a good skincare regime, so it used to frustrate me to all hell - but apparently all I needed to do was cut out the weekly Tim Tams, 2 piecea of fruit each day and switch over to soy milk. Thanks Sarah Wilson!!

Worst: A couple of family members that apparently couldn't even bother RSVPing to our wedding. Seriously? Oh, and the Uncle who phoned me to ask if he could pay for my 15 yr old cousin's boyfriend, so that she could bring him to our wedding. Really? Why the heck would we want the random boyfriend of my 15 yr old cousin there, that my fiance used to teach who is a total tool? What a shitty thing to do.