
Child with autism allegedly locked in Kotara South Public School cupboard.

By Giselle Wakatama.

NSW police are investigating allegations a child with autism was disciplined by being locked in a dark cupboard at a Newcastle school.

The boy’s father, David Roy, raised the allegations of abuse against his seven-year-old son at Kotara South Public School.

Mr Roy said his son, who is now home-schooled, was traumatised.

“It’s suggested that he was locked in a darkened cupboard with heavy objects around him,” he said.

“He is indicating to us that he was grabbed and hit.”

Mr Roy said his son shuts down when remembering the alleged abuse.

He said he has told police he is worried there were child protection breaches against his son.

“He speaks after he’s passed by where the incidents happened, if we have to drive past there, and within an hour he will regress into himself and shut down,” Mr Roy said.

The ABC has obtained a medical report of one incident, where doctors say bruising to Mr Roy’s son was consistent with finger marks.

The Education Department said it was investigating, but said it was not appropriate to comment on departmental or police investigations.

‘System in crisis’.

The boy’s case comes a day after the ABC revealed nearly 40 incidents of New South Wales teachers being investigated for abusing children with autism.

Children with Disability Australia chief executive Stephanie Gotlib said a royal commission was needed to shine the light on the issue.

“I was shocked by the list that was provided through that FOI [Freedom of Information] request but clearly, clearly we must do something about this,” she said.

“This information again highlights that we have a system that is in critical need of reform.

“The increasing occurrence and reporting of these incidents are absolutely reflective of a system in crisis.

“It is not okay to do this stuff, it is not okay to bonk a kid on the head with a book, it is not okay to drag them and tackle them to the ground.

“It is not acceptable.”

This post originally appeared on ABC News.

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Top Comments


Yet again, teachers expected to shoulder more of a burden and kids not learning because of time taken for such students. I think they should have their own school or more teachers aids so that the classroom Teachers Can do their job

guest 8 years ago

Can I ask someone with an autistic child what they think of going back to the system of separate schools with small classes, more specialised individual attention from teachers and and a more suitable environment?

I imagine for many autistic kids some aspects of mainstream school are very challenging and maybe even overwhelming or frightening. I know some kids in the same school as my kids really struggle with behaviour and do end up taking up a lot of the teachers time, it is tragic that this then sometimes ends up in inappropriate treatment of the kids as the teacher is probably at their wits end to know what to do. This is not as excuse as it is never ok to mistreat any child, but perhaps there is a better way?

I have no knowledge in this area which is why I ask the question of those who do, why is it better to always 'mainstream' kids with different needs?

Elle 8 years ago

I totally agree with you.

ATID 8 years ago

There isn't enough schools to offer "separate schools with small classes, more specialised individual attention from teachers and and a more suitable environment"

The past year they have closed multiple schools that offered this. which is why there is now more children with disabilitys being put in "mainstream" schooling

Michelle 8 years ago

It's not better. It's cheaper.

Alia 8 years ago

What happened to "Special Schools?"
These children should be there.