
Shocking footage has emerged of Aussies chanting support for Trump.


The University of Sydney has confirmed it removed some participants from an on-campus election event where people were witnessed chanting offensive slogans, including ‘Grab her by the p*ssy’, in support of Donald Trump.

On Twitter, the university reminded attendees of the US Studies Centre event to observe its Code of Conduct and said security was “taking a no-tolerance approach to inappropriate behaviour for any still watching.”

Mamamia previously reported:

A video has emerged on social media of Australian Trump supporters chanting their support for the Republican candidate‘s promise to erect a wall along the US-Mexico border.

The group of young men and women, decked out in Trump regalia, can be seen pumping their fists in the air and shouting, “Build the wall! Build the wall!” at an election event staged by the University of Sydney’s United States Studies Centre today.

The wall has been a central election promise during Trump’s campaign.

However, it’s a promise that’s light on details. Beyond the fact we know Trump plans to make Mexico pay for it, we know very little, and it’s thus been slammed by his critics as little more of a hollow, vote-baiting slogan than a firm post-election agenda.

The border-spanning structure would be designed to prevent immigrants illegally crossing into Texas from the Central American nation.

“Build the wall!” has been a popular catch-cry of American Trump voters.

But while (at the time of writing) it seems a Trump presidency is likely, exit polls from Tuesday’s election showed more than half of American voters (54 per cent) were opposed to the concept.

Stay tuned to Mamamia for this afternoon’s result.

Mia Freedman talks to author Jodi Picoult about the US election.

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Top Comments

Kimbo 7 years ago

Mob mentality!

Guest5 7 years ago

It's just a middle finger response to being called a basket of deplorables by the losing candidate. She and her supporters laughed and chortled when she spoke down to American voters for Trump, so suck it up and next time maybe don't be so rude in the first place.

Nathan 7 years ago

Yes, don't be so rude in the first place. Because Trump handled himself with grace and dignity throughout.