
This is what designers in 1939 thought we'd be wearing today

It turns out the fashion designers of the late 1930s were not only gifted in the aesthetics department, they were also kind of psychic.

In 1939, a group of designers in the US were asked to dream up outfits that they imagined people would be wearing in the mystical, futuristic year 2000 - you know, while they drove flying cars and dined exclusively on tablets that transformed into elaborate dinners by just adding water. That's how everyone envisions the future, right?

Some of their style predictions were spookily spot on. No, the designers didn't predict that young female singers would wiggle their bottoms while wearing flesh-coloured latex bikinis (hi, Miley); not did they dream that men would purposefully wear jeans that sat below their underwear (hi, teenage boys everywhere).

But they did correctly pick that mesh-top dresses and pocket-sized phones would exist. Other predictions were less accurate - unfortunately, climate controlled clothing is yet to be invented; and women haven't started incorporating flashlights into their hairdos yet. Although if Lady Gaga is reading this, she'll probably take that as inspiration for her next stage costume.

This video from the British Pathe archive, spotted by Mental Floss, captures the stunning (and hilarious) results:


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