
10 ways to burn fat

OK, there may not be a magic wand you can wave to make you slim overnight, but there are some simple weapons you can use to help you burn fat more efficiently and drop your weight more quickly.

By Hilary Pereira

Green tea

Several independent studies have shown that, as well as lowering LDL (bad) cholesterol,  drinking green tea can boost

Resistance training

Sounds a bit intense?

Push-ups before breakfast

Just a short burst of exercise before you eat first thing in the morning can kick-start your metabolism: you only need to do some push-ups or – if you can&rs

Kickboxing classes

Kickboxing is not only great for weight loss (at around 600-800 calories per hour), it also helps with muscle strength and all-round fitness.


A small, portable trampoline – called a trampette – can be a brilliant bit of kit to have at home, especially if you can’t easily get out of the house to exercis

Power walking

If you prefer walking to jogging, step up the pace and try power walking.


Several scientific studies have shown that berries – especially raspberries and strawberries – can inhibit body fat.

New workout

Try something different to shock your body into burning fat. So if you usually work out on a treadmill, try cycling or hill walking.

Small, regular meals

You can help keep your metabolism working well by stoking the fire regularly throughout the day.

Interval training

Interval training means including brief periods of extra-intense exercise into your workouts.


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