
10 tips to help you feel full, not fat

We all know that there are certain foods that can boost your feeling of fullness but the way you eat, the time of day and who you eat with can also have an influence. Follow this brief guide to help you feel fuller and not fatter.

Sometimes go it alone

People can eat more when they dine in company or with the television on because they become distracted as to what exactly is going into their mouth.

Smell and chew

When you eat make sure you give your meal a good sniff as concentrating on the smell of your food as well as the taste also switches on satiety signals.

Go for bulky and moist

The rationale behind the bulky and moist rule is pretty straightforward, simply the more air and water in food the quicker it will fill you up, calor

Wait after fat

If you do have a meal with a high-fat content then make sure you allow time for that feeling of fullness to come.

Get enough sleep

When your body is deprived of sleep it produces more ghrelin and less leptin.

Get hydrated

The daily recommended amount of water to drink is around the eight glasses mark, but many of us don't get anywhere near that amount and as a result when we

Get a smaller plate

People tend to fill their plate however big it is, and most of us eat until it is empty.

Choose fiddly foods

If you eat foods that take a little time and effort to eat, this will allow time for your body to recognise the fullness feeling.

Eat an apple before each meal

Apples help to promote a feeling of fullness and research has shown that eating an apple 20 minutes prior to eating a meal reduced the amount

Be natural

Try to eat food that is as natural as possible as most manufactured foods tend to be very energy-dense which means they contain more calories bite-for-bite.


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