
10 tips for eating healthily on a night out

We all love a night out at a restaurant from time to time but sticking to a healthy eating plan can be difficult. The very nature of a restaurant is to tempt us with delicious dishes which, over time, won't help our waistlines. So, to help you to eat out without piling on the pounds we've come up 10 rules to follow…

Sauces and dressings on the side

Where possible, always ask for any dressings and sauces to be served separately.

Don't be swayed by your friends

Don't be tempted to go for unhealthy options because that's what the other people are having.

See the menu before you get to the restaurant

If you know where you are going to eat a good healthy eating trick is to make your menu choices prior to getting to the restaurant. 

Limit the appetizers

Many restaurants provide some sort of pre-dinner appetizer — which is generally bread.

Avoid the 'all-you-can-eat'

If you do have some say in the choice of restaurant try to avoid the 'all-you-can-eat' establishments.

Starter and a salad or a side

A good way to keep your meal sizes smaller is to order a starter as your main course but bulk it out by adding some sides.

Limit the alcohol

Alcohol contains a substantial 7 calories per gram (carbohydrates and protein both contain around 4 calories per gram) so you can see how your daily calor

Don't starve yourself

Don't starve yourself during the day to compensate for a planned indulgent evening meal out. It's a common strategy and we've probably all done it.

One or two but not three courses

If you can, try to stick to one or two courses instead of the full three.


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