
10 steps to beat cellulite

The truth is, nearly all women have cellulite. It is not related to obesity and is found on skinny and overweight women alike. Although it is hard to totally eradicate, these tips will help you start making a difference in as little as seven days…

Drink well

Drink six to eight glasses of water per day to flush out any excess sodium that causes fluid retention.

Quit smoking

Here’s yet another reason to kick the habit.


Stress heads take note! Stress causes hormonal changes that can affect the skin.

Exercise to beat cellulite

Although thin people are just as likely to get cellulite as overweight people, weight gain can worsen the appearance of cellulite.

Body brush

A body brush could be your best purchase this year. Skin brushing helps remove dead skin cells, stimulates circulation and boosts your lymphatic flow.


There are lots of creams and gels on the market, with all sorts of ambitious claims.

Essential fatty acids

Essential fatty acids can help strengthen the connective tissues around fat cells, thereby helping to reduce cellulite.

Eat more protein

Water retention can be part of the cellulite problem. Protein can help as it contains albumin, which helps absorb excess fluid.


Massage from trained practitioners has a host of benefits. It can help reduce stress, increase circulation and lymphatic drainage, and break down adhesions.


Although originally developed as a treatment for adherent scars by the French, it is now used as a treatment for cellulite reduction and skin toning.


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