
10 newborn night time tips

Can’t keep your eyes open?  Lack of sleep goes hand in hand with a new baby, and no matter how clued-up you are nothing can prepare you for the mind-numbing exhaustion of the early weeks.  If your newborn is keeping you up all night, here are a few tricks to help you cope.

By Lynne Roberts

Adjust your expectations

There’s always one smug new mum whose baby sleeps through the night from 4 weeks, but for the rest of us it’s likely to take a bit long

Establish a routine

Babies are creatures of habit, and are more likely to be happy and settled if they know what to expect and when.  When it comes to bedtime find a r

Teach them night from day

In the womb your baby was lulled to sleep by your daytime movements, and would wake up for a kick-about when you stopped. 

Swaddle them

Swaddling is an age-old technique used to wrap babies up tight and snug, mimicking a cosy womb-like environment. 

Don’t pick them up the second they cry

It can take a while for babies to learn to settle themselves to sleep, but picking them up every five minutes can just make the

Don’t rock them to sleep

It’s natural for a newborn to fall asleep at the breast, or when they’re being held, but if they only associate sleep with a cudd

Learn to speak their language

Struggling to get your baby to sleep when you want them to?  It could be that they are just not tired, or are so ‘overtired’

Let them nap

In the early days a newborn will sleep and wake throughout the day and night, but after six weeks or so will begin to sleep for longer stretches. 

Look after yourself

As a parent the odd broken night is par for the course, but serious sleep deprivation is altogether more debilitating.  

Feed them more by day

Newborn tummies are small, and a tiny baby will wake frequently for food.  However, as they get used to eating more they will begin to sleep for


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