
10 common pregnancy myths busted

Can spicy food bring on labour?  And will having sex really harm your baby?  Old wives tales abound when it comes to pregnancy – here are a few of the more common ones.

By Lynne Roberts

Having sex could harm your baby

Some couples worry that having sex will damage their unborn baby, but unless you’ve been advised otherwise there’s no reason why

You can tell the sex by your bump shape

Carry low and it’s a boy?  It’s more likely your baby has just dropped lower into the pelvis as it gets ready for t

You shouldn’t exercise

If you don’t normally exercise then pregnancy isn’t the time to start a rigorous new fitness regime. 

Spicy food will help bring on labour

The final days of pregnancy can seem endless, and if your due date has passed without so much as a Braxton Hicks you may wonder what yo

You’ll look and feel great

Some women are lucky enough to breeze through pregnancy without so much as a pimple.  However, for the vast majority it’s a diff

You crave what your body needs

Around 85 per cent of women say they crave a particular food during pregnancy.  Some find themselves desperate for salty, sweet or

You’ll be insatiable

It’s true that some women can’t get enough sex during pregnancy, but sadly for every fertile goddess there’s also a headache br

You’ll lose a tooth for every baby

In the bad old days poor nutrition meant your dental health could indeed suffer during pregnancy.  However, the Dental Health

You shouldn’t fly

There’s some confusion around when it’s safe to fly during pregnancy, but providing you’re fit and well there’s no reason wh

You can’t eat cheese

Wondering how you’ll make it through nine months without your favourite snack?  


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