
What Every Woman Needs To Know About Botox, Fillers, & Threads with Dr Naomi McCullum

About Dr Naomi:

Dr Naomi McCullum is a renowned Australian Cosmetic Physician and a pioneer in the field of non-surgical cosmetic medicine. With a career spanning over two decades, she has distinguished herself as a leader in non-invasive treatments, with a strong focus on injectables.

She opened her first clinic in Paddington in 2002 and the opened her luxury flagship, The Manse in Sydney’s Paddington in 2016, followed by The Manse Uptown in 2020. The Mansette is due to open its doors in 2022.

Dr Naomi is interviewed by the host of YouBeauty and Beauty Editor at Mamamia, Leigh Campbell.

Want to see more from Dr Naomi?

Check out The Manse Clinic

Check out Dr Naomi Skin


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