
There is nothing our new PM can't do. So we have a few suggestions.

This just in: Malcolm Turnbull will FIX AUSTRALIA.

Equal marriage! Action on climate change! Preventing domestic violence! Better access to abortion!

Is there NOTHING he can’t do?

It’s easy to be optimistic when we get a new Prime Minister (on average, approximately once a fortnight these days). It feels as though Turnbull is the good witch Glinda who has come to lead us along the yellow brick road to Perfect Country Land.

Along with the big and real issues, we just KNOW that Mr T is going to grant all of our wishes. Please, Malcolm?

1. Locate the doorway to Narnia.

Before you get down to political business, just check all the cupboards of Parliament House.

Aslan knows how to leader.


2. Convince the 10th nutritionist to recommend Weetbix.

We all know that 9 out of 10 nutritionists recommend it. Either find out what the tenth one eats for breakfast, or do some serious persuading.

3. Bring back Offspring.

The TV show, not the band. The band is still around, but we don’t want them. We just want Nina.


4. Fill the rivers with Prosecco.

The Yarra River of Melbourne is particularly in need of some attention. It’s disgusting. Probably best solution is to drain it and fill it with delicious bubbles, no?

5. Bring forward the release of the next Orange Is The New Black season.

Seriously, June 2016? We can do better, Prime Minister.

This will be us by May.

6. Get the Spice Girls back together.

“If you wannabe our leader, you gotta get with our friends.” But by ‘get with’ we mean ‘be chummy with’ not ‘make out with’. It’s a confusing lyric. Anyway, get the girl power back.

7. Invent the damn hoverboard already.

And they should be standard issue amongst commuters. In fact, it might solve the traffic crisis.

The future is NOW.


See how you go, Malcolm. No pressure, but we expect great things.



Now that Malcolm Turnbull is our PM, will he deliver marriage equality?

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull expects new ministry to be sworn in on Monday.

10 ways Malcolm Turnbull could change Australia for the better.
