
Aw, people in Melbourne and Sydney think it's cold today.


The trains and buses this morning were filled with rugged up, shivering people.

Hats and scarves, mittens and coats. Everywhere, as far as the eye could see.

In Melbourne today, the Bureau of Meteorology is predicting snow.

Temperatures in Melbourne and Sydney dropped to below 10 degrees overnight. SUB TEN DEGREES, frostbitten beach bums lamented.

The Today show said it’s the coldest June day since 1988.

Climate change deniers yelled from the rooftops, “so much for global warming, fuckers.”

I'm all like, "harden up weaklings."

But, Canberrans like me... we know true cold. And this ain't it.

Melbourne couldn't even crack a frost this morning. Sydney wouldn't know cold if it walked into the Queen of Narnia in the street.

Until you have lived in a share house with narry but a gas heater in the lounge room and no insulation in the middle of Australia's capital, you don't know the true meaning of cold.

Harden the FU. Seriously.
